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If without NS...


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So far , I guess many of the guys here are proud of NS, and feels that without NS there will be no Singapore and no future to talk about. To exprapolate further, there will be not FT that wants to come to a dirty and poor Singapore.

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I also wana fight also lei. But i only pass once since ORD. That pass is Unit close eyes minus 20+ seconds from 2.4km run somemore. By right is fail one. [laugh][laugh][laugh]


In 2 weeks time have to go annual pilgrimage to khatib camp. Under holding lists still have to take IPPT rah. But fail no RT. So evey year go there "walk here walk there" nia. [laugh][laugh][laugh]

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Ayiah, if you wanna pass, I can help you la, 8 weeks prior IPPT, I train you, confirm pass one la.

All the fellows come into the gym looking for me, prior to IPPT, train like siao, pass one.

My reserve training I had to pull up units who had very low percentage passes in field and Ippt,

no problems. Can achieve if you set your mind to it. BTW, why forgo the money when you can get it,

instead of doing RT and spend your OWN money and waste time also. wink.gifwink.gif


PM me la, and I tell you how.

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Its not about proud serving NS. It is about patriotic freedom. Nothing to do with PAP or our gahment, judiciary or the president. Right now, the greatest enemy to Singapore is within our own borders with an elitist gahment that do not share the ideals of our citizens or forefathers.

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Neutral Newbie

If we remove NS altogether, we will see other countries find us mouth-watering. We may not be some big piece of land but we do have our importance.


I do support NS but I do not know how efficient we can be if another country choose to attack us. Many have their interests overseas even the folks managing the island.


Why look at FTs and dampen ourselves with the thought of them? Let them suck us dry if they can. I think if you go to Jakarta, the population in the capital is bigger than us and that is how their businesses can still survive. In one word, our population is too small for some of the foreign investors if not for the FTs.


I do have my worries about the social problems brought by the FTs, we just have to learn to be adaptive and open-minded. Also open a back door for overseas opportunities should there be a need in the time to come.

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Alamak. Should have known u a few years earlier. Then maybe can get at least a $100 pass in IPPT. [:/]


Now difficult liao. Under holding lists, whatever motivation all gone liao rah. [shakehead]

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If boh NS, you'll find our Charbors here kena sex slavery while Tar Poh tio poke Kar Chng Kang .... [laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]


You wanna become part of them??? [rolleyes][rolleyes][rolleyes]

Edited by Mzrmazda3
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Why go for $100 when you can get $400?


Wahhhhhh.......u see me too upz liao. [sweatdrop]


hrrr....better u train other more deserving and younger ppl. Im too old for this sort of training. [nod]

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"Health is Wealth" IPPT or not, better to fit and in good health then otherwise.


Apart from the tons of "happy hormones" that are released when you start working out.

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I only like to be the one whom poke [inlove][inlove][inlove] , not Kar Chng Kang ... [shakehead][shakehead][shakehead] jus Peh Peh niah [inlove][inlove][inlove]


I still have not attain to the level of poking Kar Chng Kang [angel][angel][angel]

Edited by Mzrmazda3
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I do agree to some extent with you on what's being said. Our army is sort of half past six,

but the experience you get from NS is something you remember for the rest of your life.

I don't know about you, but I'm from the old batch, and the discipline that was instill in me

has helped me overcome many things in life.


Seeing the present situation in SG, would you fight for this country? I believe you know my answer as well.


Yes i love NS for the memories, the buddies and the things i learnt.


No, S'pore will die if there's a war. Every mother's son who has served will tell you we're really really useless as an infantry force.

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