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Age 25 and semi retired???


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She works hard wit her mouth lah deh. You probably won't be surprised at the number of birds she has blown to date [laugh]

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it is possible but a lot is LUCK and risk.


Like one forummer says, buy 4 condos, take maximum loan and if you lucky can retire already. with such high leverage, not much initial capital needed but very risky.


Actually, there are people like this around. early thirties already finish paying off condo and car. If you paid off your house and car, I think you can semi-retire liao. How much can you spend, just get a relaxing day job and surf MCF in spare time lor.


another more common way is stock options.... trust me, some stock options are worth a LOT... and this is quite common.

Edited by Wind30
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Neutral Newbie

Hmm... buying stock is a little like gamble.


True... LUCK plays a part. Hope it lasts long.

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"Retirement" is relative, dude.


What is required for some to retire may not even enough for some to continue living.


Last of all, with all due respect to the younger folks in here, when did we believe what a 25yr girl rambles?



Despite fulfilling your criterias, I dont see myself retiring / semi retiring, at least not in the next 10 years....maybe 20 years/

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i agree wif u Typhoonz.. look at the amt of youngsters driving nice big cars ( Pls dun tell me tt thier family is rich and bought the cars for them )They're putting up a front only..back 10 yrs back, u see hw many youngsters driving nice big cars, u only see mature older adults driving them


0% downpayment. Anything is poosible.

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how to get 15million by age of 25 if family background not rich??maybe she's 1 and only ba...


even NBA players also hard to acheive this unless they super talented...or how many Christina Ronaldo/ Wayne Rooney there?but then again thier starting pay not so extravagant like what they are taking now also...

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wa lau, then after that tan see (wait die) is it?


young people instead of aiming for retirement, should aim for meaningful, fulfilling work.

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it is possible. just that most singaporeans cant do it cos they are trained from young to be workers. every singaporean wants to get a degree and get their dream job.


i was quite amazed to meet my wife's in laws in malaysia. most of them are not educated beyond form 5. but none of them really wanted to be employed in the first place. They go off and start their own businesses. Some succeed, some fail. But when they fail, they pick themselves up. The difference between them and me is that employment is not in their dictionary whereas self-employment is not in mine.


surprisingly they command a similar income to mine. They ended at form 5, here i am, having been to primary school, secondary school express stream, top JC, then go Uni.. cant say I'm very proud of myself. Recently I've actually grown ashamed to be employed. No longer am I like when I just graduated, first qn is 'where u work' and i tell ppl 'where i work'. These days i'm just discontented that I, or anyone, has to be employed by anyone but themselves..

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Neutral Newbie
i had a lady fren....who at 25 years old....was retired. she stayed in a terrace house. went for tour EVERY MONTH. each tour would cost 10 ~ 20k. if anybody asks her how she can sustain such a lifestyle....she would say "If you had worked for 2 years...then you can live your life like me."


since i knew her personally....i know its rubbish! the real reason was that she got herself an Ang Moh ATM....


Orhhhhhhhhhhh. The rabbit is out of the hat liao. [laugh][laugh][laugh]


yup...she was lying through her teeth. i kept quiet cos it wasn't my problem!!! the people who didn't know was wondering how it is possible that she can do that after 2 years of work.

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Neutral Newbie
i had a lady fren....who at 25 years old....was retired. she stayed in a terrace house. went for tour EVERY MONTH. each tour would cost 10 ~ 20k. if anybody asks her how she can sustain such a lifestyle....she would say "If you had worked for 2 years...then you can live your life like me."


since i knew her personally....i know its rubbish! the real reason was that she got herself an Ang Moh ATM....


2 yrs can hab that kind of lifestyle? On the bad side, I'll think, sell powder ah?

On the good side, maybe she invest in stocks n is very very lucky.


As for Rubbish! No way! Her Ang Mo ATM will definately make her work nite shift! [laugh]


the ang moh ATM was about 50 yr old. she was 24 when she cohabited with him. CEO of a MNC's S.E. Asia's office. when he went for biz trips...she went to zouk with us....and started to hook up other ang moh men!!!! amazing! she managed to hook 1 puerto rican guy...not bad looking!!!

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Neutral Newbie
i had a lady fren....who at 25 years old....was retired. she stayed in a terrace house. went for tour EVERY MONTH. each tour would cost 10 ~ 20k. if anybody asks her how she can sustain such a lifestyle....she would say "If you had worked for 2 years...then you can live your life like me."


since i knew her personally....i know its rubbish! the real reason was that she got herself an Ang Moh ATM....


I have a lady friend who retired at 27. She work as insurance agt very hard for 5 years though she has a first claas honours in accountancy. She saved enough money during her 5 years and bought 4 condos. She stay in the smallest unit and rent the 3 units out. every mth collect 10k rent in total. Had been like this for the past 10 years. Shaking leg, watch hong kong drama serials and play majong every alternate days



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Neutral Newbie
i had a lady fren....who at 25 years old....was retired. she stayed in a terrace house. went for tour EVERY MONTH. each tour would cost 10 ~ 20k. if anybody asks her how she can sustain such a lifestyle....she would say "If you had worked for 2 years...then you can live your life like me."


since i knew her personally....i know its rubbish! the real reason was that she got herself an Ang Moh ATM....


But she really worked real hard for it... [thumbsup]


i dun know....maybe the guy wanted to be tied up and tortured? hahahaha

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just because all of us can get it


that does not mean others cant


I am resign to my fate but that does not mean I am not trying

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In a meediacop show last night. A gal age abt 25 was interviewed in the show. She invests in shares and unit trust, not sure whats her occupation though. I bet she is still single. She owns a condo, a car, a pet and yearns for a yacht in the near future. Anyone saw whats the car model? What made me concentrate watching the show is when she said she is already 'semi retiring' now... in singapore...?


Anyone watched the entire episode?


She kidding or l'm hearing things? And she is educating sporeans how to be like her??


If I were born with a silver spoon in my mouth, I would also have the capital to play the investment game at a young age. [sly]

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In any business, we need to have the first pail of gold to start with.


Some worked hard and accumulated the gold. While others have that first pail from their parents.


That's life. [:/]

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I make it simple for you la. "Give them enough rope and watch them go hang themselves." correct bo?laugh.giflaugh.gif


To me it's not worth it at all... If the other person want to how lian, let him or her do it lor... You just sit back and see how far are they willing to go just to show off...


If you got the real stuff, don't have to purposely show one mah... Other people got eyes to see...

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