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Age 25 and semi retired???


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the last i heard in 2002. she was back to working life....and no longer staying with the guy. no sugar mummy liao!

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renault convertible... there no such thing as sure make money in playing shares cos its like playing with fire [:)]


Can i check whether the renault megane convertible was silver in colour? Bearing a number plate of I think '9998'? Who were the hosts on the programme too? Quan Yi Feng and ermm a skinny chinese guy?


Not too long ago, a camera crew from mediacorp came over to my place to film a silver renault convertible too. I was wondering what show it may have been.. [dizzy] Might be this that you guys are talking about after all.


not sure leh.. but its light coloured. maybe silver or beige [:p]

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"What goes up, MUST come down."


I hope she has some back up... If not hoh seh liao... The next report on her is how she farks it up...

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I tell you, confirm will fark it up one la. Just about how smart is she anyway? sly.gifsly.gif

I just hate people who how siao until like real like that. Real is real, don't bluff.

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Maybe she's on a roll right now so can brag a bot about being semi-retired... Later make a wrong decision and all her money go down the drain and see how she die... Got money save first... Some more so young only... Think the short term success has gone straight into her head till she cannot think correctly...

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Open market can buy...but not new ones from HDB. [:)][:)]


My understanding is taht for HDB, even if you earn over 20k, you can still buy flats be it new or old. Only difference is that you cannot be taking HDB loan for flats if your income is over 8k, and EC if your income is over 10k.


What you can do maybe is ask your boss to stop paying you for 3 months and say you are jobless for 3 months (most SME can chum siong lah)... then show an empty payslip... get the hdb loan then back pay you.

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I can remember her. She was featured in Sunday Times Money section. She is actually earns a living giving out tuition. Yes, tuition.


The reason why she is successful is that she lives pretty frugally expense wise. I think only lately she has been a bit exhorbitant.


About retiring early. No such deal. Retirement is vulgar. No job and sit on your retirement funds, stare at wife, she stare back at you? Actually retirement means you don't have to work like hell for money anymore. Actually, you work on your own personal projects more instead of sitting around, play mahjong or go on vacations. You use your retirement funds for more important things that matter in you life more like community or something. Maybe turn a hobby into a business for the fun of it because, having fun everyday (hobby) is better than a job everyday.


How to strike it in shares and all that? No you cannot. To earn really big in stocks and shares and bonds, you got to hit it hard. That means diversification of your investments is a no-no. You put it all in, and hope for the best. Nobody is capable of doing that. FEAR is the MIND KILLER.


That is why Bob Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad) gambled it all in property and became the rich dad. Ask him to talk about stocks, shares, indexing, diversification and he gives the lousiest advice. People's fortunes crashed when they followed his advice. People are just incapable of taking the risks he is capable of taking.


What about Warren Buffett? He is now the richest man in the world. How did he do it? If you read into his strategies, you will know that he made more misses than hits. He did lose money but his hits are all homeruns! They win big. He knows where to put it all in and put less in areas he is not comfortable with. Not easy. He reads 5 newspapers everyday.


All I can say is that SGers are naive when it comes to money. All this spending on accessories in this car forum is evident of it. Useless gadgets and kits which do not add value to your wealth but just makes you look good.


The gahment perpetuates this through our domestic fiscal policies with inane rules from CPF, CPF Life (annuity) and all that.


No education goes out on how to live and be responsible with money. People are just content with their FDs, CPF, ILPs (don't get me started on this) and HDB flats when they should be putting into equities, index funds, ETFs, gold and commodities.


Go out and give yourself and education. Everytime you spend, you dwindle your own wealth. I'm not saying we become frugal and stinge and put all our money into savings and investments. Is it necessary to get a damn Broquet or voltage stabilizer when a CNG install can actually see you break even in a year. There are better things like ice cream to bring a smile on your kid's face. This pays 1000x w/o break even than a damn Broquet, VS or for crying out loud, exhorbitant Brisk spark plugs.

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i had a lady fren....who at 25 years old....was retired. she stayed in a terrace house. went for tour EVERY MONTH. each tour would cost 10 ~ 20k. if anybody asks her how she can sustain such a lifestyle....she would say [red]"If you had worked for 2 years...then you can live your life like me."[/color]since i knew her personally....i know its rubbish! the real reason was that she got herself an Ang Moh ATM....



That is the key point that she bring across..'' worked for 2 years''.....by openning up her leg wide wide..? [laugh]

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