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Age 25 and semi retired???


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Neutral Newbie

In a meediacop show last night. A gal age abt 25 was interviewed in the show. She invests in shares and unit trust, not sure whats her occupation though. I bet she is still single. She owns a condo, a car, a pet and yearns for a yacht in the near future. Anyone saw whats the car model? What made me concentrate watching the show is when she said she is already 'semi retiring' now... in singapore...?


Anyone watched the entire episode?


She kidding or l'm hearing things? And she is educating sporeans how to be like her??

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It's not impossible if that person is either earning a lot of money or could live simply. I have a friend and his wife are planning to retire at 35yrs...which is 2 yrs from now. Their combine income is over $20k/mths, living in a re-sale 3-room flat, take public transport, eat home-cook food, have a baby and a pet dog. They also have a fully-paid 2-bedroom apartment in Bangkok.


They plan to retire in Bangkok, to stretch their money.

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I can say I'm 21 yrs old. Stay in a friend's condo, drive daddy's car and say yearn for a space shuttle. But in fact I can be just a lazy bum who dun wanna work but wanna daydream and talk c0ck.

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Neutral Newbie

i had a lady fren....who at 25 years old....was retired. she stayed in a terrace house. went for tour EVERY MONTH. each tour would cost 10 ~ 20k. if anybody asks her how she can sustain such a lifestyle....she would say "If you had worked for 2 years...then you can live your life like me."


since i knew her personally....i know its rubbish! the real reason was that she got herself an Ang Moh ATM....

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Neutral Newbie

unless the person earns so much or either is bull-shitting..In Sg, the best age u can retire is still maybe about 50-55? tt's provided the person earn quite alot and save prudently and making good investments or buying good insurance. Even if a person earns say $10k/mth, easily buy a car, house,haf kids already burden him by a big percentage.

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Neutral Newbie

ooooooo i learn smth [laugh]

tot cannot.. cos my cousin lookin for hse aso.. future husband rsaf.. total salary duno hw much liao.. they say cannot buy hdb lol -.-


dun scold mi... i dunoooooo lOl

Edited by Devilution
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Many in Xinkarporlians are putting up a front whereby they are driving huge cars, staying in big house and generally living life to the fullest... But behind this front, they might have mounting debts that they are not likely to clear in this lifetime...


There's a Chinese saying "Da Zhong Lian Pi Chong Pang Zi"...

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Neutral Newbie

i agree wif u Typhoonz.. look at the amt of youngsters driving nice big cars ( Pls dun tell me tt thier family is rich and bought the cars for them )They're putting up a front only..back 10 yrs back, u see hw many youngsters driving nice big cars, u only see mature older adults driving them

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Neutral Newbie

if buy new hdb of course cannot, max 8k combine household income....

maybe your cousin husband if he is a pilot eveyday fly high everywhere see hdb flats sian...anyway most pilots like to stay in condo, semi-d etc, outgun, outfly and outsmart peers

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hahah i think i did watched the show last night


she was driving the renault megane CC. [nod]


its the hardtop convertible version of the MEGANE, around 100k i think,

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i can only think of a few reasons how she did that:


from rich family

has a rich sugar daddy

sell "meat"


if not, she must be genius...


... if someone tell me with a few 10Ks at age let's say 22(consider she is a grad)(which is already consider darm "rich" for a freshman) and by 25yrs can acheieve the condo,car,and even can afford to look into yatch, i think citibank will want her to be their investment consultant for sure.......


over this forum alone, im sure quite a number of you are master in investment.. how many of u achieve this??... [sly]


or maybe it's easy , only most people dont show-off that way hor..... [:p] ....im an investment idiot btw.... [laugh]

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In a meediacop show last night. A gal age abt 25 was interviewed in the show. She invests in shares and unit trust, not sure whats her occupation though. I bet she is still single. She owns a condo, a car, a pet and yearns for a yacht in the near future. Anyone saw whats the car model? What made me concentrate watching the show is when she said she is already 'semi retiring' now... in singapore...?


Anyone watched the entire episode?


She kidding or l'm hearing things? And she is educating sporeans how to be like her??


what kind of show is that? no details here... but i don't see how it is not possible...


with the red hot bull stock market in the past 2 to 3 years... if she is a savvy investor, by good buying and selling, the investment can easily double every quarterly...

n with some flipping of property during the last 1 or 2 years, can easily earn tons of money...


i will not be surprise if some MCF bros here earn tons of $$$ from stocks and property craze during the last 2 years... of course such bros here will diam diam and keep to themselves...


so if she retire or semi retire at 25, it is very possible...

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