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The eighties Restricted zone....


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Neutral Newbie



Government listens to everyone's wish to own a car, so they increase the number and relax the rule to own one. So Government help us to relax the rule.


Soon everyone has one or two or maybe more, car is affordable but not cheap. Government fulfills everyone's wish. So Government help us to lower the conditions to own a car.


Not long ago, Government says that there are too many so we need ERPs to smooth the traffic. So Government help us to smooth out the traffic.


Then came the fuel crisis, Government decides to let the market flow according to demand and supply. So Government help us by not interferring with the pricing of fuel.


Finally, everyone bought and keep the cars at home only to take public transport to work etc. So Government help us to up the parking fee??! [scholar]

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Neutral Newbie

In the 80's they had restrcited zone,but mainly just the CBD area.They aslo had car-pool system.Minimum pax in car is 4,otherwise have to get the 'license',which as far as I can recall is about $1.00 to $2.00.These coupon must be displayed on your windscreen,otherwise a CISCO will take down your number(yes,there was one or two CISCO officer in a booth at the Restricted Zone 'gentry'.And the coupons are sold either at certain Petrol station or there will be a booth along strategic URA car parks. Interesting times,those days.And yes,as some of you have mentioned,not much congestion,as population of cars was way less than today's.

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Neutral Newbie
What is the car population in the 1980's?


I am under the impression that the number of cars increased greatly only in the last few years.


Is the road in the 80's ALREADY as crowded as now?

Was Restricted Zone really required for CBD area in the 80's at all?

I know its a foregone question to ask in 2008, but I have this impression that the road congestion were surelt be at least HALF as jammed on the road in 1980's compared to currently.


Anyone can recall those 80's road conditions?


We had the Area Licensing Scheme, started in the 70s and only in the Restricted Zone in the mornings.A few dollars a day ( $3 or 5 ), we stuck the label on the windscreen.( they provide you with the transparent plastic..) [shocked] The traffic police will stand at the road side with note book. [hur] There was car pooling and pick up points ( pick strangers! ), 4 persons FOC to enter CBD. [dizzy]

The only highway then was Nicholl highway. [:p] ........................


Traffic was a lot lesser, only the richer folks can afford a car. [:)]

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Ride sharing doesnt help either. Instead of 1 COE going to a car which is used for 2-3 trips a day, it goes to a car on the road 8-12+++ hours a day.


Number of HGVs seem to have increased too.


Last time maybe G plate is KE70 panel van, now G plate is big assed Vito or HiAce.


Instead of Daihatsu Charades and small little 80s cars, no all Vezels which take up more volume.


Heck, even if numbers were the same, the volume taken up by fatter taller cars just take up more space.


Then add PMDs... buggers on bikes riding against traffic.


More cameras so idiot turtle hogs jam brakes and drive 10 below the limit near camera zones.


The list goes on....

Edited by Ake109
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