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Will different political views cause tension in the family ?


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Especially during election time. Will you and your spouse's different views cause

friction ?


Just wondering.... [:)]

Edited by Darth_mel
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Neutral Newbie

[laugh] U foresee such a problem for yourself? Or is it manifesting already?


We all know your stand and political affiliation. The only issue is if you can live with your wife's...

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Frankly speaking.


Voting here seems like what you always point out ... Have like don't have.


So nothing will change much ... the majority still beong to the ruling parties. Now and then heard a few people jumping or shooting each other.


So I don't really think your spouse will argue much with you over it. There are more important issues like the ever-increasing fuels, cooking oil, rice etc rising to worry about than to argue over who should be the leader or who's political correct.


Besides, you are not supposed to disclose you're supporting who as your vote is secret. [lipsrsealed][lipsrsealed][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]

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i only know MONEY ISSUE will cause dissention amongst family member nvr political differences, religion (unless it affect diet) tongue.gif.

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Wah Lau! You have never encountered a American family that has both Democrat and Republican supporters. Dinner table like watching The Arena! laugh.gif My former boss family. His father Republican and he is Democrat.

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Politics is like religion, football clubs, car manufacturers and latest addition "gaming console". [laugh]


A healthy controlled debate is fine. No need to get all heated up to force each other into their beliefs.

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Especially during election time. Will you and your spouse's different views cause

friction ?


Just wondering.... [:)]


S'poreans generally do not have a strong passion for politics other than for gossiping. But this is different in taiwan, there got cases of husband and wife divorcing becos of opposing political views

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Bro. how's things with you now? Ni how mor? smile.gif Never let this get in my family, vote just vote, so long as don't kachow me can.

But when it comes to other countries like Japan and Taiwan, then different story, very strong support for different parties.

Last one, was Taiwan.


Especially during election time. Will you and your spouse's different views cause

friction ?


Just wondering.... smile.gif

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I'll be very honest with you on my views. And this is my very own opinion,

there is no perfect country to live in, somewhere else will have its set of problems,

like the saying goes, "you see me good, I see you good" wink.gif as long as it's a safe place

we all have jobs, and moola to spend, well, not a lot, but can live by, we should be happy.

If want to drool over other people who have rice cars, rice house, bo pian, last life donno

do what that have to suffer in this life with what you have. One word brother, "contentment" smile.gif

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