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Warranty issue with workshop under PI


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Hi guys,


We already know the pro and cons from buying car from PI. And i see many PI cars on the road as compared with 3years ago.


I just wonder anyone has car warranty issue with workshop appointed by PI?


Is the technician in these workshop trained well enough to diagnosis cars and solve problem fast? For example.. engine light 'on', sensor faulty..electronic stuff..etc.


Anyone that own PI car encounter problem where the workshop unable to solve?

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This AD warranty issue is far over-rated.


Mine is not from AD and I don't have any issues to date (knock on wood)

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that's like saying "air-bags are over-rated, i haven't kenna serious accident to date".


don't have, doesn't mean won't have.


you don't have, doesn't mean others won't have.

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Neutral Newbie
Hi guys,


We already know the pro and cons from buying car from PI. And i see many PI cars on the road as compared with 3years ago.


I just wonder anyone has car warranty issue with workshop appointed by PI?


Is the technician in these workshop trained well enough to diagnosis cars and solve problem fast? For example.. engine light 'on', sensor faulty..electronic stuff..etc.


Anyone that own PI car encounter problem where the workshop unable to solve?


To be frank, I've seen not well trained PI technicians. My last encounter at the PI workshop doing trial and error rectifications and finally they solve it, they go HORRAY! [laugh] Before that, lots of fiddling and @$%^&^$#%^%! coming out of their mouths...

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hi guys,


Let say we buy cars from PI that AD does not offered.

I see quite a few PI toyota carmy. axio, wish. Honda stream...


What would happen if the PI car keep indicating check engine light 'on' and maybe gear box problem..and the PI workshop declared that they cannot solve the problem after many attempts.



We can complain if we are in the AD workshop.

But we cannot blame the PI workshop technician as they are not trained.

They service/repair many different make / model once day and no specailize in one make.


What can we do?

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Neutral Newbie

Unless if it's the bigger PI which has their own workshops, the rest actually sub-contract out to outside workshop to manage the warranty. Personally, if you're getting a Jap car, there's nothing secretive about their maintenence and most reliable workshops can repair them. The main concern is actually the availability of spare parts especially amongst the no-so popular models. If kena acccident (touch wood), better pray hard that at least it can be reparied for the time being until replacement parts arrive.

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Parts availablity - can wait till parts arrive from source. Maybe a long wait.

Or Maybe wait long long, part arrive then change it. but problem still there.


AD has the support of thier Technical dept liaise direct to manufacturer to discuss the issue.

But i doubt PI has it.

Then, maybe sell the car, but 2nd hand car dealer want to take? Most possible, the dealer take-in at a price where the seller lose big time.

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Neutral Newbie

For parts, i wouldn't worry too much for japanese cars as they are readily available. There could be a point where these PI workshops can't solve the issue. However, if warranty is valid with them, they will have to solve if, at least from the car owner point of view. It's all written in the warranty booklet when you get the cars from them so it's best to read between the lines clearly. Well, at least i did [laugh]

Edited by Cordia_gsr
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Neutral Newbie

Yeap.. that'e exactly my point. Warranty they definitely honour. It's the long lead time for parts. Imagine the part is a critical one that would not allow the car to be functional, then LL have to wait.

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Neutral Newbie

Unless it's a recall or ECU update issue. Most common issues local workshops are able to fix. Personally, I would not buy a brand new model from PI. Would only buy those established models from them....exactly what I did for my current ride. It comes with a 5yr, 200k warranty although I have never exercised the warranty part...touch wood. [sly]

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warranty may be honoured, but as long as the company is still around.


PIs can close shop overnight, change name, etc, then no more warranty.


if problem can be diagnosed to faulty parts, then still got cure, even if have to wait for parts.


worse is can't even diagnose where/which part is faulty, then sweatdrop.gif

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Look at WISH and Stream....so popular from PI.

Does anyone has big issues when it comes to repairs/faults/ECU/Recalls?


The demand is still great shows that the warranty issue is not a hugh deterant.


If its electronics issues, the easy way is to just replace the particular module.

If its engine mechanical problem, then just replace the whole engine.

Nothing is difficult to replace in Singapore.

Do remember that you can go to Japan, buy the exact car model, deregister it, and ship back all the new parts(minus the car chassie) at a cheap cost and redo up your entire car to be as good as new!

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If I remember correctly, some years back, Wish was recalled for some problems (is it fuel pump?), those who bought from PI that had closed shop faced a big problem. They couldn't get the parts fixed till BM stepped in to replace for a fee. So don't assume there is no big issue when it comes to recall.

Edited by Coolpica
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