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Cheena FT scold Stinakpore Boss


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actually..there are so many people in this world that somehow dislike or hated one another...not surprise to find people like that china FT posting crap like that...


aiyah...cannot bother with these FT lah...

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Sis, I translated for you in england:


XXXXX his mother one. XXX his grandfather one, XXXX F his mother..


Basically something like this.. sweatdrop.gif

Edited by Beei
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***********i edited this post.... seems like the edit will screw up the chinese wordings.... crap

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got hokkien version or not confused.gif


me no go skool de...


kum siah.

it goes like this for 1 posting:

"Jus cum to stinkapore still feel stinkapore quite courtesy/polite"


没想到当我和新加坡人相处以后才发现 新加坡真他妈的贱!
"But after spending some time with stinkaporean then realise they are REALLY HIS MOTHER CHEAP!"


本人老板就是这样的人 看到日本人还他吗的点头哈腰的!拼命陪笑脸!
"My Boss is one, see jepun kiah only HIS MOTHER knod head n bow! keep on putting on a smiley face"


草,看到中国人 就麻痹看不起@!
"FUG, see cheena people then look down on"


他爷爷的 骨子里就透着一个贱字!
"HIS GRANDFATHER bone inside only got the CHEAP word"

一个屁大的地方人 就是
"One butt big place, but vision of a rat that see so small place (lack of far vision)"


还这么 就这么嚣张!
"Still so Stil so C0rky!"


干他娘的 这样的人居然是我老板 受不了!
"FUG his mother this kind of people is actually my boss, cant stand it!"


出来骂骂 消消气!
"Cum out here scold scold let off steam!"


新加坡人 真他妈的神经病!
"stinkaporean really HIS MOTHER is crazy!"


希望有生之年 可以来打仗 把这个地方灭掉
"Wish in my living days can come here n declare war, wipe out this place"


2nd post

"never had in mind hope that stinkaporean to be good"






3rd post

" Thats why u wont be disappointed"







鼠目寸光 ︰ 比喻目光短淺, 缺乏遠見

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Neutral Newbie

haha... I never liked those mainlander scum either... kick them back to the backwater slums that they belong!


But those 10% who are hardworking are really good to work with... its those 90% of slackers that really deserve to be whacked by their bosses.

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actually..there are so many people in this world that somehow dislike or hated one another...not surprise to find people like that china FT posting crap like that...


aiyah...cannot bother with these FT lah...


The M country colleagues in our company also same... although it's a Singaporean company but they made it as though it is theirs. Whenever our garment change policy not favor for them or whatever decision our garmen made, they will say our garmen very stupid.... i never hear them say theirs stupid... and if our garmen stupid, why come here to work? For $$$$$$ only mah.. and they dun regard themselves as foreign workers.... because they always use the term "foreign workers" on Filipinos, Burmese, Indians etc. I have seen many of these people, no loyalty to company, only loyalty to $$$$$$$$ regardless how good u treat them.

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singaporeans got loyalty to company meh???? 99% of people only loyal to $$$$$, singaporeans or FT.


anyway, the blog is like nothing lah.... some stupid comments by a not so bright FT actually, looking at his chinese.

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Actually say to say ...


We do indeed never look at once to chenna people but we react differently when We see ang mo or ji-poon people machaim like GOD but we F care the chenna.


F care is F care, we don't ignore them at gaylang thru [laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]



I think it applies to all ....


In a Company, there's always a Fcuker in mould of Sillyporean, cheena, ah-bang, Ang mos or anywhere.



Reminds me of my sad, sad sillyporean ah-nang. CMI. [shakehead]

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Did i say Singapreans loyalty to company? If to compare to our gold diggers, we are much better off, cos we live here, definately we are looking for satisfaction in job and working environment much more than $$$$$$$$$$. Over in our company, if their pay too much, they will go to the boss and close doors to discuss on their pay or they threathen to resign. Not that they are so good that company wants to keep them but the whole bunch of family is there, so company scared they will leave together or maybe create trouble for company.

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I believe there's some truth in the blog posting per se.

We are sillyporean afterall [laugh][laugh][laugh]

Finally, we have foreigners telling us off to wake up our bloody ideas [lipsrsealed]

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yr qtn shd be rephrased as "u no go skool"


n my answers wld be:-


yah me no go skool cos my era (1) no marnee to eat dun tok abt education (2) skool is not compulsory smile.gif


one no need to go skool to learn abt education laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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hmm...tot u no go cheena skool but go kantan skool [sweatdrop][sweatdrop]

me go skool but hard drive crashes [sweatdrop][sweatdrop]

so now [sweatdrop][sweatdrop][sweatdrop]

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