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Bet They will Retract


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My point of posting is just to analyse and compare my analysis to what will eventually happen on the ground. [thumbsup]


I do frequent JB petrol kiosks but the issue at hand is will they do what they say or just venting hot air?[gossip]

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As stated in the news, this is just temporary measurement.


I guess finally they will impose "no subsidise" for foriegn cars at certain level.


In fact MY-Thai borders hit most because Thai cars does not have 3/4 tank policy like S'pore.

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In the short run, the losses suffered by JB is not significant compared to the amount of losses in subsidies to foreign vehicles.


sure, the garment spend less on subsidies..but they have to sacrifice JB business to achieve this..do you think the JB people will just let this go on? We all know how their garment works, the money 'saved' won't improve the quality of life in JB..


up north is people power..unlike sinkie land, where it's lighting power..

BN just kena pwned big time by the people..losing a few states..Johor is their stronghold..I don't think they wanna risk losing Johor to the opp..

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There's another option.


Ask the SG gov to remove the 3/4 tank rule.


We can easily drive up 50km and come back to sg with more than enough savings than before.




Ok don't treat my post seriously. thanks.

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Ask the SG gov to remove the 3/4 tank rule.



Like somebody said, you first time become Citizens is it? [hur][hur]

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Let wait another few years and see what happen.


around 2011, MY will become fuel importer instead of fuel exporter... probably at that time Anwar is the PM [lipsrsealed]


no need few years lar....the moment the johor businesses start to feel the pinch and unemployment rate goes up there...hehe...

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You think the opposition supporters of Malaysia will reject their government from this petrol ruling?


Most of my friends ( 99% ) are happy with this ruling.


They are Chinese Malaysians staying and working in JB. They are happy to see their own government taking actions indirectly to help them. If their government still allow Singapore motorists to take advantage of the petrol subsidy, they have no choice but to increase the petrol fee from RM 2.15 now.


Indonesia has done that and there are riots. The entire BN will be overthrown if they increase petrol price and yet still allow Singaporeans to enjoy the subsidiy.


Anyway, the real Singapore travellers are not those in cars. They are those taking planes into, walk in, take bus in and even take Star Cruise in.


Those car owners who gota scream and cry just because of cheaper petrol being taken away from them are not the ones mainly contributing to JB economy. At most a few %.


Furthermore, the responsibility of taking care of Singaporeans belong to PAP, not UMNO for goodness sake.

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yes.. they should do their sums. subsidy is one thing, but if its able to draw out the big fish(es) and revenue, why not?

look at the BIG PICTURE... many a times, things aren't so straight-forward.


of coz, if the end result is that the earnings is lesser, like, probably the thais who just come, pump (and hump), then ciao, then ya, by all means.


Big fishes are not those car owners from singapore who will whine and gripe when the petrol subsidy is taken away from them. This is a clutch mentality that Singaporeans have.


IF PAP dont want to help Singaporean as usual even though one old man boasted that we have S$300 billion in the GIC just a day or two before in High Court ( but still he dont believe in Subsidy ), Singaporeans should just kick out this government. Some Singaporans are getting complacent and unreasonable by complaining against this ruling to disallow us from pumping petrol within 50km of JB custom.


Its their land. They have the right. Singaporean motorists who gotta resorted to saving S$20 on petrol per trip up north are really not the real spenders. The billions saved on petrol subsidy offered to Singaporeans can be better spent on the locals.


Yes, must agree JB lost millions but they saved BILLIONS, esp those Thais who Q up for hours daily with near empty tanks and go back to their own country.


Malaysia government has proven once again that even though corrupted and "poor", it has its own citzens at heart, unlike some "rich" nations who save and save and save but refuses to help its own citizens. And worse still ,its own citizen complain and whine when Malaysia dont give them "makan" within 50km radius.

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Neutral Newbie

The whole issue here is 1 SGD is not equal to 1 MYR. The problem will always exist till 1 MYR gets bigger than 1 SGD. By then, the Malaysian will be coming to Singapore to pump petrol and buy all their grocery. It is a human instinct to get cheap things. Dun blame Singaporeans for coming to JB to pump petrol or buy your grocery. Blame in on BN not able to make 1 MYR = 1 SGD. [laugh]


So BN government cannot make 1 MYR = 1 SGD, so they came up with this ban. I don't think BN governement did anything wrong. They are just protecting themselves and Malaysia. I think Singaporeans should stop complaining. If we can get cheap petrol, get it. If not, then forget it lor. Pump in Singapore then. [laugh]

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You must be from boleh land [laugh].

I dun think normal MY ppl will benefit from this temporary policy... the $ saved will be hidden somewhere else [lipsrsealed] . Life will still be the same.


Although there are some unhappiness on S'pore gov, but bascially I still think they are generally [thumbsup] and better than boleh gov.


By the way, I pump in boleh land not because they are cheap but I need to use fuel for long travelling in boleh land for business or holiday. [laugh]

And of course it is natural human instinct for S'porean to pump full before entering S'pore since it is cheaper, nothing wrong ma.

Edited by Ncss
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ya.. that's y i said do their sums.. sure have free-loaders. but net off if the revenue is increased, and people/biz prospered in the state, then it don't make sense right?

when we do business, we look at the long term, big picture, stingy on the short term but lose a big chunk on the long term don't make sense..

perhaps its politically inspired (those stupid rocks or due to their recent election result)? or well, perhaps boleh have already done their study and decide that overall they boh hua?


for our gahmen... 20-30yrs back i was told by my parents that we have a good gahmen cos we saved $$$ for future emergency use, i was very young, believed cos it made sense.

in 1997 crisis, i don't remember (if any) substantial $$$ was released to help the poor.. i suppose that wasn't 'jialat' enough..

now.. with such a unprecendented inflation, they are still not helping but instead increasing the costs (thereby increasing the inflation further)?

not to mention also huge influx of 'talents' taking away jobs and depressing pay..

i don't know how serious would that 'emergency' be for them to unlock that fund to help..


for boleh gahmen, i believe the subsidy could actually be targetted at their bumis.. other races just happen to tag along (can't divide citizens too obviously mah..)

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You think the opposition supporters of Malaysia will reject their government from this petrol ruling?


Most of my friends ( 99% ) are happy with this ruling.


They are Chinese Malaysians staying and working in JB. They are happy to see their own government taking actions indirectly to help them. If their government still allow Singapore motorists to take advantage of the petrol subsidy, they have no choice but to increase the petrol fee from RM 2.15 now.


Indonesia has done that and there are riots. The entire BN will be overthrown if they increase petrol price and yet still allow Singaporeans to enjoy the subsidiy.


Anyway, the real Singapore travellers are not those in cars. They are those taking planes into, walk in, take bus in and even take Star Cruise in.


Those car owners who gota scream and cry just because of cheaper petrol being taken away from them are not the ones mainly contributing to JB economy. At most a few %.


Furthermore, the responsibility of taking care of Singaporeans belong to PAP, not UMNO for goodness sake.


I'm still Thankful to Pak Lah for the subsidized petrol all this while despite the constraints. Though I'm not pursuing for the removal of the restriction, I do hope that they can come up with a more managable measures quickly instead. I'd find it a hassle should I run out of petrol for some reasons when wondering within 50Km radius. I still think the hurried new rule is out to stop the Thais and is probably related to the rocky to a certain extent.



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the best is they can kill 1 and silence 100...


slapped one offender real hard..




petrol kisok RM$250,000 followed by employee 3 yrs jail..


see from then onwards who dares.. [laugh]


Southern part of the Thai ppl also affect by this new law. [sweatdrop]


Maybe they are also discussing the counter measures. [laugh][laugh]


Thailand doesn't have a law that require their car to be at least 3/4 full before they go in to malaysia. So they will go in almost empty and pump till it overflow AND it include their commercial vehicles.


Singapore do .With the 3/4 ruling , most car can probably pump at the most 20~30 litres ?

So in effect , it's the thai/malaysia border's that's creating all these problem and now they are taking this opportunity to banned both to show that they're not biase .


MY government has no idea how sporean spend in johor as compare to the thai which doesn't spent as much or at all , they just come in to get the fuel and drive back.


True also!


Then who Lugi? Singapore who frequently go JB to pump petrol or the JB govt? [laugh][laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

This Herculean effort to prevent non-Malaysians from pumping subsidized petrol will wear them down and soon, it will be back to normal.

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fully agree with u that they have the right to do whatever they wanna do on their side [nod]


but i think that this solution is by far a lose-lose situation for everyone. there are better ways to go about it if they want to [rolleyes]

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you say leh? [sly]

Without that added incentives ,sporean may find it a bit more troublesome to just go in to JB for food and shopping .

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