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MUM sue "cheng hu" school


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Read from the paper what this mother did was very very naive......She might be thinking that she live in USA or Downunder.....or she is pushing her luck too far. Why nobody advise her or tell her in sinkie land no one ever Win in a case aginst....our gahm**lipsrsealed.gif...I really empathised with her.sweatdrop.gif

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like she says, she need to fork $$ for the medical bills.


actually she got no resort also. think of it, a few yr back one kid lost an eye becos the door knob was abt his ht and some1 happen to swing the blardee door so hard it caught him smackdown.


wat wud u do if u r the parent?

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Neutral Newbie

utterly nonsence, and rubbish...


next time if someone choke while eating burger, go sue the burger ah? [hur]


crazy siah...


she got no case.. in amercia, maybe got.. coz they siao one..

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It depends on how the boy fell.


If it is due to poor design of the school compound, then there is every right for the parents to sue the school. But if the boy is running down the stairs and fell, then obviously this is due to the boy's problem because having stairs is common, unless there are broken steps on the stairs and is an accident waiting to happen.


In this kind of instances, I believe the school should have help in fund raising or something to help that family and not just shove them a $1,000 cheque.

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well, if there is something foreign inside that burger that causes you to choke, then yes, you can sue the burger restaurant.

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Neutral Newbie

but the thing here is how come so many other pupils in the school are alright... i dun know how the boy is, but my suspect he could be clumsy.... or just too...


nevertheless, the school could have done more, like having a fund raising for the family... instead of just relying on the lousy limited school student insurance..

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i hv to agree with starry.. u hv a very skewed view and dun mind i say this


wat goes ard comes ard. dun cry foul if this ever happen to u.

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i hv a fren who got compensation from de school when he fell down the stairs.i'm not sure abt de details...on how he managed to claim.but he got like $3k IIRC.he broke his hand.need to put metal inside.

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Neutral Newbie

the school could have done more.. no doubt about it..


but in sinkie, you simply won't win the case by bringing it to courts....


it could have been better settled.... [:/]

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well, if u read the article, a teacher did warn the boy not to run but he persisted and then he fell.


as a kid, i slipped and fell around HDB void decks after block washing. whose fault?


HDB for making the floor so slippery, the worker for washing the floor, my parents, or me?


mind you, it's not a kindergarden or school for special kids leh.


i do think they need help but they shd not have resorted to a means which is as effective as banging their head on the wall, and also, liable to make the situation worse.


this kinda thing shd go to media with sob story. sue for fish? lose already then go to media with sob story, abit too late right? [rolleyes]

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Neutral Newbie

well, i did mention that the school could have done more.. bringing it to the courts won't work in your country.. coz u know all the reasons..


let me put the picture in perspective.. if say someone is walking on the pavement.. suddenly he slipped and fell badly... is he going to sue the pavement? or rather the construction firm who constructed the pavement? [gossip] where all along everyone walks on the pavement perfectly..


me skewed view point? if that is the case, i won't have donated last night while watching ur channel 8..

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i dun always agree with what u post, but ur point is right.


this lady really poor thing, but is self-pwn [:/]

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