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Read this to save your money [reputable source]


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Neutral Newbie

For those people who harbor some unexplainable confidence in the myriad of "snake oil" products in hopes of achieving better fuel economy, a quick read of these articles may actually educate you enough of what many informed people here already know: such "miracle" devices don't work despite all the so called technical figures as proof to convince you.






Of course, it's your money at the end of the day to experiment and perhaps attain a "feel good" sensation from adding something to your beloved car.


Have a good weekend everyone. [:)]

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Ahbuthen? What you should be reading actually is your monthly bank statement instead of all those tech reports. laugh.gif

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1. This articule offers too little detail and the tests too simplified. Some of these gadgets are not event commercially available in SG. I have read a Taiwanese car magazine which also performed the test on those commerically available "snake oil" product. They even mentioned brands and names.


2. They challenged all snake oil products maker to come forward to volunteer for a test on a same stock car. They can fit whatever gadgets and they subject the car to various kind of tests and road conditions and it is not a one-time test all sort of session.


3. Based on their tests, some snake oil really improve fuel economy and some don't and some have -ve results. Dyno results also varied across products.


4. I mean if your snake oil product is really wonderful, just get an indepedent tester and auditor to test it. Don't just based on PhDed theories.



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[shocked] What i am doing is waste of time?

yes bro.. the best mod is your right leg.. think everyone agrees.. you wanna increase 2km/l, dun rev above 2krpm.. hahahhaa [:p]


i cant do it.. wack ah!!!! [laugh] just dun redline, it will be just fine.. [rifle]

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Yes. Want power, pay for power. Petrol now $2/L for RON92 after discount. Got guts to play and read your bank statement? laugh.gif

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