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Bicycle Unker finally fixed!


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Yup.. I agree I was wrong. I was wrong to think that I was debating with a person who is mature enough to argue a case base on facts and reason.


Instead, this person is only interested in winning an argement by snaking around.


Should have known this earlier since I already have one such character in the office ... you are right. I am so wrong here.


editted to included clarificaiton:

This was Testa_ross4's original reply:"And I would not have been so affected by your sense of wrong."

Edited by Scoots
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It is half right when LHL say if we force Wong Kan Seng to resign, it would not serve to solve anything but WKS's resignation can also serve as a good deterent to many civil servants to set a good example for all to buck-up right? So how come we still must show compassion to WKS?


But yet the higher powers can choose to see it in a different light. Why can't they do it also for this case?


Sometimes my views differ from others, logically, I don't see any link between MSK escaping and WKS... I'm only able to link MSK escaping from MHA. MHA is an organisation consisting of Singaporeans... learn the lesson, and move on.

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Please read carefully, the authourities are in a persecutory mode, how else can you describe the situation?


And which part is self destructing and unclear, please elaborate?


And please do not post personal comments and keep on topic.

Edited by Testa_ross4
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Nah... the idle idle surf MCF one got quite a few. The kind with the die-die-wanna-win-at-any-or-no-reason one, like you, only one. [laugh]

Edited by Scoots
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Just so to end this nonsense. Let's do what YOU suggested. Stick tot the topic. Or do you need to fight over that as well?

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foolish lor ... I was foolish to hope that I wasn't talking to a fool. Happy?

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What happens after calling the police is what I am refering to.

That is something I do not know - what happened between the uncle and the police and the AG. Maybe its the attitude problem.

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Thanks for proving me wrong again. Now can we stick to topic... as YOU have suggested, or are you really going to prove me right that you are really a immature kid who's only interested in 'winning'.

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