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Hafei Minz Popular?


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me agreed...feels safer in a goo...and um..haf u ever tried carrying bout 350kg of load..driver and try climbing up for example..the area where ECP to AYE...rochor area...


goo still is stable and still able to go on picking up speed...

while one of the bros here..on his minz...on straights is struggling sweatdrop.gif...


and yeah..full fledged car..vs commercial van...wad can i say? up to individual ?tongue.gif

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i m thinking of buying 1, since now it dropped.


only $345 for 1.3L, any bros over here driving 1 can share upz & down of this ride? i mean fuel consumption etc..


Much thanks

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Neutral Newbie

You can read a review of this car here




The most worrying part of the review is ".......its brakes need to be applied in tandem with engine braking for any meaningful retardation to occur." [sweatdrop]


If there is a Minz behind me I will either speed up or let it overtake me, I wouldn't want one to be behind me at anytime [laugh]

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(before a flaming war starts, this is purely based on my comment after reading the reviews)


after reading the reviews..i have only 1 comment..




there are alot of 2nd hand COE japanese saloons out there, some selling at about 10k with 3-4yrs left..buying 2 of those, is a better and cheaper alternative..

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Ai ya, cheap can alreadi... Sillyporean can buy car good liao mah... So economical for larger family.... If can drive within speed limit and safely, why not a Hafei rite..

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i m ok, since i hardly drive fast, tis way i can learn hw to restrict myself but hor, i read the review & realise it doesnt come with power steering.. true anot huh?


if no power steering, wont it be super duper heavy esp. when driving with 7 pax...

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that's the good thing about eurovan (and the more modern jap vans). it's designed with the driver and handling/safety as a higher priority. but payload-wise will lose to L300 and etc etc lor [:/]


until today (2 yrs liao since we scrapped the "bangoo") we still miss the van sometimes. my wife who is pretty much a motoring idiot can agree with me that the van had soul. something my reliable (cos it's new and well-maintained) getz doesn't really have. [laugh]

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nod.gif....and it was proven when me had an accident early last yr...

goo had onli 2 small dents on the bonnet..while the other car's rear bumper..rear door was smashed...

so yes...safety is def in their minds while designing ...

but um...L300...one day driving one...at the end of the day...me got a terrible neck ache..terrible headache...

back was aching like hell...it was a terrible experience i muz say...


so u miss ur goo ah...get another one ? sly.gif

or alternatively..u can contact me..we can swap rides for the weekends rolleyes.gif

though me wonder who can fit into a getz..coz my family members all big sized de lipsrsealed.gifsweatdrop.gif

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ya.. agree~ eurovan nicer


i personally hav 1 berlingo .. driving it compare to driving Kia or what certainly felt different.. dunno is personally felt or is like that ....


but back to hafei, reali no power-steering meh? buey sa(turn) si(die) ka ki(ownself)?

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according to the one motoring review..you need to apply brake pedals with engine brakes to have any meaningful deceleration..in terms of safety, that's one big no no..

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for me...its becoz ..me nid to carry goods..then dun nid a big van...hiace..urvan all too big le...

and the time when me was buying...kangoo was the most popular model...

and kia pregio..was told never to get it...too many problems...


and um..ur brackets ..me dunnoe wad u trying to say ...but um..if there is no power steering..then it muz be quite diff to park properly..well..can anyone clarify on this

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got consider, but saw hafei 1st cos of the price, although wuling's journey looks nicer & more reliable..




now sourcing around SGcarmart, see got bargin to pick not...

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when the front tyres are so thin, u don't need power steering [;)]


anyway, in the past, before power steering was common, u have to ensure that the car is moving (even for a bit) then u can do whatever steering u want to do. just like how it's taught at driving school. wanna turn steering wheel on the spot, w/o power steering, when the car is not moving, is gonna be much harder

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oh.. another thing which has potential failure [lipsrsealed]


was just taking what ragriz said at face value. no PS also no issue [thumbsup]


i could say the same of a getz or picanto with STOCK steering and STOCK tires. easy enuff to turn w/o PS. of course once u upsize the tire then [sweatdrop][sweatdrop] liao..

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