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[Crime] Molesting his daughter and two other offences


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Got alot of such incest cases deh. Just that we don't know cos not publicised in Shiit Times! [sly]

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wah lau yeh ... father 34, dotter 12 ...


34 - 12 ... he became lau peh at 22 yrs old ??

NB .... he high sex drv or wat ??


when i 22 yr old ... still hide in dorm PCC leh

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That is something I choose not to answer.


Incest fetish is sick. Its unnatural and immoral. I'm probably the lowest scum on this planet but I will not degenerate to committing incest [rolleyes]

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May 12, 2008 IT specialist on trial for sex abuse against step-daughter By Selina Lum

A 37-YEAR-OLD IT specialist went on trial on Monday in the High Court for sexually abusing his stepdaughter over a two-year period, starting when she was 11.


The Indian national, who is a Singapore permanent resident, faces a total of 42 charges - 16 counts of statutory rape and 26 counts of making the teenager perform oral sex on him.


The offences were said to have taken place between January 2005 and February last year at the family home.


But the girl and her 35-year-old mother, also Indian nationals and Singapore PRs, have left the country and are not expected to come to court to testify against him.


The man, who is representing himself in court, is denying the allegations.


He indicated on Monday that he is likely to recant seemingly incriminating statements he made to the police.


The court has ordered the media not to reveal the identities of the accused and the girl, now 14 years old. The trial continues.




another child molester... must b the in-thing now...

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Common answer what some 'daddies' who commit incest will gave:

"Why let my daughter be 'deflowered' by some other young punks,

and let them have it rather than me myself who raise this daughter."


I used to read a article about the 'psychological' behaviours of these sickos.



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Sicko just admit sicko la.. walao [knife]


shd ask daughter shaft him with a cactus. better to be shafted by own flesh n blood than to kena shafted by some old punk in prison [idea][sly]

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i seriously think this is worse than those pedophiles.


incest in some way is like pedophilia. prey on young children. but prey on own flesh n blood? gosh [shakehead][shakehead]

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Neutral Newbie

pedophiles are a kind of feelings some guys develop unknowingly, but towards your own kid and exercising such inhumane acts and allowing such feelings develop towards your own flesh and blood is not excusable or forgiveable. all in all, its the dark side of human that is here to make peeps suffer. sighs.

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I heard that molesters who ended up in jail are usually "tekan" by fellow inmates.


Is there any truth in this hear-say?

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This case can be scientifically classified as paedophilia..


I read on wiki before that if A watch B grow up from young(parent & child) or A & B grow up together from young(brother and sister), they will not be sexually interested in each other..It's something to do with human psychology..


But if A(stepfather/stepbrother) only get to know B(stepdaughter/stepsister) at later stage of B's life, say pre-teens or early teens, it's possible that there will be sexual attraction..

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