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Dear Prime Minister, tolong please .......


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Dear Prime Minister,



We citizens of singapore urge you to PLEASE MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.


We DO NOT NEED your help. Every time, you mention HELP, we have to run for cover!!!


Help the poor? Raise GST!


Help traffic flow? Up ERP!


Help passenger service? Up Bus fare/MRT fare!


Help us get taxi? Raise taxi fare!


Help us get good government? Raise Minister and Civil servant salary!


Everytime YOU WANT TO HELP, we all PAY FOR IT!!!


THANK YOU THANK YOU...TOLONG LAH, please, we will HELP OURSELVES, no need your help liao.


We DARE NOT ask for help any more!!!


Sir, most honoured sir, I urge you NOT TO HELP Singapore INVEST also!


Everytime your wife invest, we all lose money! Kao liao, kum siah!


Just let us have a dose of bad governance, like recently the Mat Selamat case, like dat....so far, it is ok, your incompetence, we ACCEPT!


PLEASE DO NOT help us have better security! Wait we all kena PAY FOR IT!!




I think it is ok lah, please just take your salary and enjoy life ok?


Thank you thank you,


I am very chin chai one, any how any how, no need to help oso can one.



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