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Heated exchange with cabbie


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Neutral Newbie

Man films heated exchange with cabbie, uploads it onto YouTube


A CASE of road rage apparently sparked off when a man told a cab driver that he had been parking on the wrong side of the road.


The man, who filmed a video of the heated exchange and later uploaded it onto YouTube and sent it to STOMP, said he had first asked the cabby politely to move his car.


According to the man, the unhappy cabbie then replied with expletives. The dispute escalated from there, and that was when he started to film their argument.


Cisco officers later came to the scene to stop the fight.


The man in the video had threatened several times to call the police to arrest the cab driver. He also asked the cab driver to leave.


Midway through the shouting match, the cab driver began winding up the passenger seat window in a bid to end the quarrel.


The cab finally left when the man had asked Cisco officers to take down his particulars.


The three-and-a-half minute video has since been uploaded by three different users on YouTube.


Click here to view the video.




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ComfortDelGro apologises to man abused by cabby Netizens slam man who filmed the spat. By Ian Lim

COMFORTDELGRO has apologised to the man, who filmed a road rage incident with a Comfort taxi driver and later put it up to YouTube and sent it to STOMP.


The company said disciplinary action has been taken against the cabby, who let off a string of expletives at the man in front of MediaCorp complex on Caldecott Hill.


The man claimed that he had politely asked the taxi driver to move his cab which was parked on the wrong side of the road.


Instead of moving, the cabby swore at him with expletives and this escalated into a shouting match. Cisco officers later came to the scene to try and stop the argument.


The three-and-a-half minute video has since been uploaded by three different users on YouTube and has attracted some 9,000 hits since it was first posted on April 14.


One of the YouTube posts claimed that the original video was uploaded by andrewteo777, who is said to be the man in the video.


Ms Tammy Tan, ComfortDelGro Group Corporate Communications Officer told straitstimes.com on Thursday morning: 'Firstly, we would like to extend our apologies to Mr Teo with regards to the actions of our taxi driver.


'ComfortDelGro cabbies have been told to wait for booking customers at pick-up points that do not obstruct traffic. In this instance, the cabby should not have parked against the flow of traffic, and he certainly should not have behaved the way he did when confronted.


'Cabbies have been advised to stay calm even under difficult and unpleasant situations so as not to escalate the situation. Where necessary, they are advised to alert the police to assist.'


But Netizens on straitstimes.com, which has received over 50 comments on this story, and YouTube have strongly criticised the man's actions, saying he was the real bully and that the taxi driver should not be punished.


williampcwong said 'the taxi driver was wrong to park or wait on the other side of the road' but the real rude bully was the man who filmed the video clip.


tuiniasin agreed: 'The driver had self-disciplined himself by not stepping out of his taxi and challenge the bully. He made ComfortDelGro proud.'


Some posts also called for action to be taken against the video maker, instead of the taxi driver.


'I want action to be taken against this person making the video. He clearly thinks he is above the law, and was heard instructing the officers on what to do. His boorish behaviour cannot be condoned and is worse than the taxi driver's,' said yeusmarn.



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Neutral Newbie

from e video, can only see e guy who filmed e thing, is the bully rather than a victim... how polite is his politeness??? no evidence from e video shown... n kept repeating the law... his rights... blah blah blah... gosh [lipsrsealed]

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Neutral Newbie

LOL, can recite penal code somemore (but i don't know accurate or not) and threatening to make "citizen arrest" [hur][hur]


But the saddest thing is - this is how we, "educated" Singaporeans really sound like in real life when in an agitated state. [:/]

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Due to office restriction, i cannot really view the whole video [:|] but i feel that definately both parties have to shoulder some blame [nod][nod][nod]


If over here is Boh Zheng Hu one, the best is settle 'One To One' ... rather than take video, post up ... etc [gossip][gossip][gossip]

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Due to office restriction, i cannot really view the whole video but i feel that definately both parties have to shoulder some blame


If over here is Boh Zheng Hu one, the best is settle 'One To One' ... rather than take video, post up ... etc


The rule is simple, if you're the wrong party in the 1st place, no matter how innocent your position is, you're still loosing ground. If the taxi didn't park illegally, who in the right mind would confront him? My only view is, "the Taxi driver asked for it" so just have to face the music.



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The rule is simple, if you're the wrong party in the 1st place, no matter how innocent your position is, you're still loosing ground. If the taxi didn't park illegally, who in the right mind would confront him? My only view is, "the Taxi driver asked for it" so just have to face the music.


Yalor. The cab driver may have been doing something illegal 100 times and its just too bad and his arse luck to meet a guai lan guy in this 1 time out of 100.

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My question would be : Supposing I tell you that you are against traffic nicely, and knowingly that you are driving a Confort taxi for a living - would you be so nasty to me?


I wonder how 'polite' I was when I told you off.


I suspect that the person who video this is a civil servant or he thought he is onelipsrsealed.gif. Then he tried to retract that and changed it to civil-mindedness.

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Man films heated exchange with cabbie, uploads it onto YouTube


A CASE of road rage apparently sparked off when a man told a cab driver that he had been parking on the wrong side of the road.


The man, who filmed a video of the heated exchange and later uploaded it onto YouTube and sent it to STOMP, said he had first asked the cabby politely to move his car.


According to the man, the unhappy cabbie then replied with expletives. The dispute escalated from there, and that was when he started to film their argument.


Cisco officers later came to the scene to stop the fight.


The man in the video had threatened several times to call the police to arrest the cab driver. He also asked the cab driver to leave.


Midway through the shouting match, the cab driver began winding up the passenger seat window in a bid to end the quarrel.


The cab finally left when the man had asked Cisco officers to take down his particulars.


The three-and-a-half minute video has since been uploaded by three different users on YouTube.


Click here to view the video.





LOL... only see the bully filming the poor cabbie [shakehead][shakehead]

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I wonder what authority does that man has? Does it look like within the compound of Mediacorps? Then what the man did is a disgrace to the company.

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if the complainant is a civil servant, cabbie would have a good recourse against him for behavoiur unbecoming of a civil servant

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