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TPY - ERP Starts Tomorrow


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$0.50 cents, right? LTA can easily adjust the traffic lights so that there's less green time and then say "Hey! Traffic is moving slower. We need to raise it to a dollar."

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Majority of pple will kena one day. Sooner or later only. If they have no qualms in setting up ERP gantry in a residential area like TPY, there's nothing to stop them from doing it in other residential areas..AMK is more congested actually but they din set it up. Is it becos TPY has always been uncontested by the opposition whereas the PM's ward had been contested and they afraid ERP will lose more votes for the PM?

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I think for the sake of face, the PM won't change ward. But becos there is contest and the fact that the PM is the MP there, residents there will enjoy more benefits.

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from Lavender street..I always go by CTE, exit Moulmein, then turn into Lavender street and from there turn into Kallang Bahru..din see any gantry there..those coming from east side into Kallang Bahru will kena ERP..

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Maybe it's an april's fool joke?



ha..ha..ha... [laugh][laugh][laugh]


but when Raymond Lim annoused it in Feb 2008, he was not laughing lay....... [:|][:|][:|]




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