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Changi Flyover hit by crane boom


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Was driving under the Changi Flyover this evening, and a trailer, carrying a crane boom, was too high and hit the Flyover as it passed underneath it.


The crane boom was dragged off the trailer bed as a result, and debris, chains were flung onto the ECP. A pickup was hit by the falling debris. I could not avoid the debris and ruptured my front left tyre. My 16" rim was also scratched, and the car steering was mis-aligned.


I stopped by the shoulder, put up the warning lights and changed the tyre. Spoke to the driver, and he was already prepared to go to jail. The EMAS team arrived later to put up road cones, and remove the debris.


Going to make a claim with the transport company.

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Neutral Newbie

wah, really is suay like hell..


Nowadays all sorts of cranes collapsing all over the place.. [sweatdrop]


But don't think the trailer driver will be thrown into jail ba, at most suspend driving license and fined.

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According to him, the driver from the recent case, where another lorry hit a bridge at Shenton way, went to jail.


Now the question is: is it the company, the foreman, or the driver's responsibility to ensure that the vehicle is below the height limit, or whether he has to choose another route? Noticed that the trailer used is the regular 40ft, and not a low-bed trailer.


I think the driver is very much responsible for it. Learnt it during the Class5 lessons about height limits, weight limits, and selection of route.

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I told him to get ready for a hefty fine, as the government won't take such road offence (damage to public property) lightly. He said the last driver who hit a bridge was sent to jail.

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I think maybe the company or driver if risk assessment applies.... i think so... Optra Estate... we have an Optra sedan

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Ultimately the TP will come after the driver. The company might be fined too.


Didn't know we are fellow Optra owners.. wave.gif

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Luckily, nope. I was trying to sway more to the right, but couldn't as there were cars on my right. So no choice ran over the piece of debris, hear the "pomp" sound and watch the car pull to the left. Hung on to the steering wheel tight and drive to the road shoulder. Luckily the rear tyre didn't burst too. Else all 3 of us will be stranded.



Thanks bro...

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I saw it this evening, the bloody thing was laying on the road!!


Darn dangerous cos' its right after the bend towards ECP City.


The trailer driver appeared very very stunned and shocked ..... [dead][dead]

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Yeah, it's at where the merging lanes are. Cars there would be accelerating to expressway speed, which is pretty dangerous.


The driver was busy smoking, and talking on his handphone and walkie while I approached him. He took out his measuring tape to take the tallest point of the crane boom, but it was too late. Good luck to him, I must say!

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