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I notice all complaints are majority about road hogging and tailgating


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Neutral Newbie

I suppose if you want to turn right, turn on the signal and keep it on and you can stay on the right, nobody will horn or high beam you...

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Neutral Newbie

Yup, so usually I can't be bothered with high beams and horning, I will try to overtake from the left when coast is clear.. [sweatdrop]

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Neutral Newbie
does overtaking on right lane apply on normal road too?

if i want to turn right,i have to keep to the right lane.


if u are keep right as u know short ahead u need to turn right, it is fine la~


The phrase "road hogging" refers to ppl who is not turning or filtering, not accelerating or travelling at suffficient speed, obstructing the smooth flow of traffic. In most cases, the right lane of Xpressway... (which usually no right turn).


insufficient acceleration leads to 2pts demerit during driving test too~ [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

wat if... u r on e left most lane n travelling at the minimum permissible speed n in front of u, e vehicles also sama sama... n one fellow juz zoomed in at ur rear n tailgated u n kept flashing like disco???? r u considered a road hogger??? [blush]

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Neutral Newbie

Road hogging speed will depend on the road condition...


If u r on 1st lane doing >90km/h. I dont think that means road hogging, except got emergency vehicle behind u. But if infront got other vehicles doing <90km/h (due to heavy traffic) Then this cannot be classified as road hogging on 1st lane.

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It matters not what you THINK, it is a FACT that doing more then 90km/h on right lane IS road hogging if the way in front of you is clear and someone faster comes from behind.


Why do you THINK that road hogging only applies to emergency vehicles? I hope you do not get into an emergency in your own vehicle and need to rush and encounter what you THINK is not a road hogger on right lane doing >90km/h. [hur]

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Road hogging speed will depend on the road condition...


If u r on 1st lane doing >90km/h. I dont think that means road hogging, except got emergency vehicle behind u.


even if you are doing 300km/h and someone behind is faster than you, YOU ARE CONSIDERED AS HOGGING! [furious][whip]


Get the facts right!

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Neutral Newbie

If i'm in an emergency, I'll find ways to overtake rather then tailgate, flash, horn or show middle finger and wait for the road to open up.

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Road hogging speed will depend on the road condition...


If u r on 1st lane doing >90km/h. I dont think that means road hogging, except got emergency vehicle behind u.


even if you are doing 300km/h and someone behind is faster than you, YOU ARE CONSIDERED AS HOGGING!


Get the facts right!


Lets take an example. What if you are even faster than the one behind and the front is clear. If the one infront is running at 160Km/h, a car comes along tailgating right behind, so if the one infront speed up to 200Km/h and the one behind can't catch up, is this still road hogging [laugh].



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Neutral Newbie

if you are on 1st lane doing >90km/h and the road infront of you is clear and 2nd or 3rd lane is clear, you are ROAD HOGGING the other faster car behind u on 1st lane! this applies even if you are doing >150knm/h. PERIOD.

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Neutral Newbie

Do you know how dangerous it is to overtake at high speed (no matter it's 100 or 200km/h) especially in emergency when your mind is not 100% on the road.


Go think about it, hope you dont have to experience this yourself before you can understand.

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Neutral Newbie
Road hogging speed will depend on the road condition...


If u r on 1st lane doing >90km/h. I dont think that means road hogging, except got emergency vehicle behind u.


even if you are doing 300km/h and someone behind is faster than you, YOU ARE CONSIDERED AS HOGGING! [furious][whip]


Get the facts right!


precisely!! typical hogger's mindset working here...


and to those who "读死书" sticking to 3 to 4 car length one, pls do not just keep jamming brake to maintain ur 3,4 car length when other cars keep slotting ahead of u. there is no presidential award for ur ability to maintain 3,4 car length. u r only pushing the Q in ur lane further backwards.


.. no wonder singapore traffic everwhere also jammed..

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Neutral Newbie
Road hogging speed will depend on the road condition...


If u r on 1st lane doing >90km/h. I dont think that means road hogging, except got emergency vehicle behind u.


even if you are doing 300km/h and someone behind is faster than you, YOU ARE CONSIDERED AS HOGGING!


Get the facts right!


Lets take an example. What if you are even faster than the one behind and the front is clear. If the one infront is running at 160Km/h, a car comes along tailgating right behind, so if the one infront speed up to 200Km/h and the one behind can't catch up, is this still road hogging [laugh].




This is called speeding!!

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Neutral Newbie

Although i'm only driving a small little car now. that doesn't mean i nv drive other faster cars b4.


It is not dangerous to overtake at high speed when u do it properly.

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