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Rational thinking ... are we to be blame


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Everyday we see and hear sillyporeans complain complain


even in this forum ranging from the price of a car to maintenance cost of a car including public transportation


if we look careful and analyse the situation


The MIW is not totally to blame


we were given a chance every 5 years to correct the situation


but for the past 40 years we have been given them a mandate


a mandate to do everything and anything because we trust and believe them in their manifesto


so what why do we complain so much


basically we got no guts to stand for what we believe, greedy beyond believe that we are willing to trade our principles for a HDB upgrade


we know the opposition is weak but what have we done to help, we only know how to criticize


if we are going to survive this 5-10years we need to put our heads together (the one that rest on our shoulder)

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I just believe that one should not lodge a protest vote for the opposition just because one is not happy with the ruling party.


Ask yourself, can the opposition do better?

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the last election there were few creditable oppositions but because the carrot was dangled by the MIW that sillyporeans suddenly forgot


I agree with you completely


many think Jeya was useless but he won into parliment however short live but demonstrates the vicious treatment he got

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To answer your question, I like to give you a difference between the opposition and the incumbent.


Recently there was a fire in somebody's house in Potong Pasir, which all but completely destroyed the house. The MP there personally went down immediately to offer assistance. For this and the other opposition MP, they are frequently seen at coffee shops / hawker centers mixing with the common folks.


For me, I only seen my PAP MP once, during election. My estate is new, and yet the maintainence is not better than the opposition's ward.


So the answer is a resounding YES! They have more heart for the common folks, and that's what it should be about.

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i agreed with you, i dont really understand why everything also want complain. just looked at stomp and u will see all the minor things also wanna send in. even as a car owner u will see people complaining none stop over erp increase, erp useless. worst still people complained even when the government wanna extend one more lane for CTE saying remarks like more erp to come, wont help in easing traffic.

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I just believe that one should not lodge a protest vote for the opposition just because one is not happy with the ruling party.


Ask yourself, can the opposition do better?


Why not? don't just look at your immediate benefit or estate upgrade(remember, they give you $1 but they will take back $10), look at the overall good for Spore.


You don't understand, we don't want a change of gov but a more humble and caring gov. A gov that not only think of enriching themselves through millions of dollar in pay but solve the suffering of their poorer fellow Sporeans problems.

"Remember, they are paid millions to solve problems, not sweep it under the carpet".


Example: Take a look at the Bus driver shortage problem, instead of increasing their pay and benefits to increase recruitment , they choose the easy way out and hire cheap drivers oversea. Problem solved, Company make money but local driver lose out!

You want a gov that cares for you or care more for the company bosses?


Without giving them a wake up call in the next election, you think they will bother abt you or your poorer fellow citizens?

Edited by Trex101
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Everyday we see and hear sillyporeans complain complain


even in this forum ranging from the price of a car to maintenance cost of a car including public transportation


if we look careful and analyse the situation


The MIW is not totally to blame


we were given a chance every 5 years to correct the situation


but for the past 40 years we have been given them a mandate


a mandate to do everything and anything because we trust and believe them in their manifesto


so what why do we complain so much


basically we got no guts to stand for what we believe, greedy beyond believe that we are willing to trade our principles for a HDB upgrade


we know the opposition is weak but what have we done to help, we only know how to criticize


if we are going to survive this 5-10years we need to put our heads together (the one that rest on our shoulder)


As you know, currently in singapore.


The rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer.


If u r in the poor get poorer region, ask urself what had u done wrong as in not to fall into the richer zone.

If u r in the richer zone, be happy and stop complaining.


If u r in the poorer group of people, ask urself with ur capability, can you migrate, if yes, then go ahead, singapore is not the right place for you now, with globalisation in pace, you r free to go and chase ur dream else where.


Finally, if you dont have the capability to migrate, moreover you shouldn't be complaining. Cos u lack the substance to be rich.

Stop whining, we are already having bus-drivers from PRC.

Who knows in times to come, PRC workers gona replaced you if you continued to complain !


Last but not least, if u lived with a negative mindset,

be it who the government is,

you would jus carry on complaining, so who is to blame?

Edited by Espire
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"Stop whining, we are already having bus-drivers from PRC.

Who knows in times to come, PRC workers gona replaced you if you continued to complain !"

quote of the day .

Edited by Cavver
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Everyday we see and hear sillyporeans complain complain


even in this forum ranging from the price of a car to maintenance cost of a car including public transportation


if we look careful and analyse the situation


The MIW is not totally to blame


we were given a chance every 5 years to correct the situation


but for the past 40 years we have been given them a mandate


a mandate to do everything and anything because we trust and believe them in their manifesto


so what why do we complain so much


basically we got no guts to stand for what we believe, greedy beyond believe that we are willing to trade our principles for a HDB upgrade


we know the opposition is weak but what have we done to help, we only know how to criticize


if we are going to survive this 5-10years we need to put our heads together (the one that rest on our shoulder)


I only see you posting complaints and disgruntled posts on almost everything about living in this tiny island and don't see any solutions to your same type of postings day in day out! [thumbsdown]


If you are so dissatified and CAN"T SEEM TO GET A LIFE HERE...let me suggest to you:


1) Quit from this place permenantly

2) Jump in front of a moving MRT train, which maybe will bring a wind fall to your beneficiary when others pity you and donations start to pour in to you!

3) Quit posting in MCF all together or ...


start posting HOW YOU LOVE TO LIVE HERE FOREVER!! [sly][laugh][laugh]

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We only have ourselves to blame for this except the 33.33% that did not go with

the flow.... [thumbsup] Its about time that we shld think out of the box if not jump outside of the box to think. [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie
I just believe that one should not lodge a protest vote for the opposition just because one is not happy with the ruling party.


Ask yourself, can the opposition do better?


Slippery slope mentality..


No chance to proof.. back to square one..

How did PAP in the first place get to win , when they also didn't show that they can do better than other parties, back when our SG just got separated from MY ?


How about asking... is it possible that overnight PAP all kenna voted out and whole govt goes to opposition ?

Not possible, so how much worse can it be ?


With more opposition, or more votes to them, PAP might really start to wake up ?


Anyway, it is a very nice cycle created.. bcos nobody sees opposition got chance, opposition lose a lot of talent.. then tell ppl the same thing "opposition no talent" thus shouldn't vote for them.. so the cycle repeats.. how to break it ?


Anyway, most things are run by the civil service.. they do work, no matter which party is in.. doesn't mean SG will collapse.. your LTA still run, your MHA and MINDEF still works.. your IRAS still take your money...

Edited by Sotong_kia
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none of the people here understand. if they really want to know what is going on, go find out the dying days of rome. they used slaves to replace all types of labor. at first all citizens were happy as some labor was looked down upon and citizens didn't want to do it. later the slaves did more and more work, even up to accounting and business management.


this is a social and economic problem that romans created for themselves which caused them to hollow out and decayed from within. i'm surprised singapore is following them. all other countries have learn the roman lesson. only we seem to follow rome at our own peril.

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i wasnt going to be so blunt as what you wrote but i was getting there




some here dont understand the medium and long term implications of our sillypore policies


they keep accusing me of complaining only


i am not complaining but explained that be in MIW or any party we cannot afford to go along this direction,


maybe in the past yes but not with this younger generation


hope i wish more can think like you


maybe some have their entire lives revolve around a car exhaust and getting so intoxicated that they dont really understand the real issue here

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the current opposition are not doing to badly given the fact that they are taking care of the town with much pain given by the miw


so actually they are doing well

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i really dont want to be rude on a sunday morning


either you have problems with your eyes or brain


I said many times that sillypore is my home and will always be my home


I cannot see how this posting is a complain


I am giving a balance view that there are times that we are also at fault and we should not take easy way out and blame the gahmen




you think too highly of me, if I am able to provide solutions, would I be posting in this forum, I would be earning multi-million dollar salary and trying to make life more difficult for you



two possible solutions which I have suggested many times is we need to contribute to MIW and opposition rather than sitting on the side line and complain and watch the world goes round ............... the message from my last line of my previous posting


the other which I mentioned is slightly more drastic, change with your pen


the last two are solutions or are you too blind and too absorb



if you want to post accusation please read carefully before doing so


if NOT I will sure COMPLAIN

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you are absolutely right


the extreme corollary is :


if papa lee goes, sillypore will NOT collapse


if papa lee and baby lee go, sillypore will suffer a bit of set back but will still ove on, Marina IR will still be built


if papa lee, baby lee and holy ghost go, then you and I better buy quick pick toto or biug sweep because the probability for that happening is etremely low

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