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Well Done, Benjamin Tay !


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Pump prices - eight hikes in eight months blank.gif Selina Lum Thu, Mar 20, 2008

The Straits Times but_printfriendly.gif blank.gifbut_email.gif

I REFER to the recent increase in petrol and diesel pump prices, the second rise in less than a month, and the eighth since July last year.


It is disheartening and painfully obvious that the four oil companies operating here - Shell, Caltex, ExxonMobil and SPC - have taken the easiest way out of the recent crude-oil situation, by increasing pump prices at their whim.


While transport costs and food prices have gone up with much opposition from the man in the street, it is surprising that the increases in petrol and diesel prices have not stirred up dismay at the action of the oil companies.




This is despite the fact that petrol and diesel prices have gone up by 20 per cent over a period of about two years - far more than the increase in transport costs and food prices over the same period.



Have Singaporeans grown used to the pump-price increases without registering their displeasure with the oil companies? Or is it that their complaints are falling on deaf ears?


Despite there being four oil companies here, there is no perceivable competition among them in terms of their main products. Prices and discounts are the same at every station, with prices changing within hours of each other in most cases.


Only the premium-grade petrol sold by Shell and Caltex show some product differentiation.


SPC made a big impact a few years ago when it started providing petrol and diesel at lower prices. But since then, it has become just another oil company that follows the big players.


This cartel-like behaviour is unheard of in other consumer-driven industries such as telecommunications.


I urge the Government to regulate petrol and diesel prices here, otherwise there will be nothing to stop oil companies from doubling or even tripling their pump prices two more years from now.


Benjamin Tay


'Despite there being four oil companies here, there is no perceivable competition among them in terms of their main products. Prices and discounts are the same at every station, with prices changing within hours of one another in most cases.'

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what do u think? do you keep/ read last week paper? likely is with Karang Guni liao right?? [laugh]

Edited by Nkps
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just posted today leh....... even they reply also you will see it on paper next week liao, but then again, wu reply kana bo reply, muz as well dun reply [nod]

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their reply like c0ck one la. caltex side even say their aim is to reduce demand for fuel. where got business aim to decrease demand for their products one? shoot their own mouth only.

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Quoted from http://www.caltex.com/sg/en/whydoPricesRiseAndFall.asp


No one can say with certainty what will happen in the future with crude oil and petroleum prices. Caltex, as a Chevron brand, supports a comprehensive national energy policy that would address both conservation (reducing demand) and increasing the supply of crude oil and refined products. This includes streamlined permitting for petroleum infrastructure, as well as increasing domestic crude oil production in an environmentally responsible manner. Caltex is committed to taking all appropriate steps to supply our customers reliably and safely with the motor fuel products they want.

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ah well, whether they see and reply or not, at least its one way for us to let everything out n complain. It might not work but if everyone thinks that way, it will never work. [thumbsup][thumbsup]

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Neutral Newbie
their reply like c0ck one la. caltex side even say their aim is to reduce demand for fuel. where got business aim to decrease demand for their products one? shoot their own mouth only.


if the wan to decrease demand, might as well jus close down sua. they are some dumb fuc* sia..

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