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WARNING: Road Hogger Turn High Beam Stalker Ah Beng Mad Driver


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If he stalk me I will lead him to a right turn at a cross junction, and invite him to kiss rushing oncoming traffic if he still tailgate at the junction. I can always time my right turns to perfection for the tailgaters behind me to enjoy. Just one way to shakeoff stalkers, don't really need to drive to police station.

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Hahaha I kena this guy on ECP in 2007...

He was doing like 110kmph on lane 2.. i was nearing the speed cam so i was at about 85kmph he.. tailgated me and flashed .. (ON LANE 2) lane 1 and 3 is completely blank...

after a while he came beside me and show me the "WHAT!?" sign... i then smile and inch my car toward his small car.. he tio chuak and go behind me and honk asking me to stop by the side..


i slowed down to the shoulder and wind down window and say

"lai chase me" and sped off.. whoa he tried hard.. at 160 he was gone.. hahahah



I tink i met dis driver on ECP also..although nothing happened between me and him.i cannot be sure also..roughly rem its also red picanto..

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Everytime kena this type of idiot will make my blood boil on the road. But now i change my mindset to make myself feel better, 是他做错事,不是我做错事,为什么要生气来惩罚自己?算了吧...

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ah bengs where got drive picanto one?

this one confirm cmi want to act beng buey beng buy ahgua car but try to act like ahbeng tiongchia


really lol

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Ah beng driving picanto car? Maybe TS can post in kia club forum. There is alot of members in that forum driving picantos n rios etc. I was from there before I changed my car. Maybe someone will know him. TS still got the car number or not?


Picanto car so small. I think one knock from my current car will sent him flying away liao. [drivingcar]. Seriously I cant believed a picanto car driver will dare to chase and high beam any sedans. [sweatdrop]. The car is simply too small and not build for chasing after cars leh...

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Neutral Newbie

bro maybe you use high beam dats why he buay song. Next time try using your right signal. it works pretty well for me, drivers infront somehow auto give way. Suay suay meet those no give way den overtake from left lor, they wont feel offended oso as i nv high beam [flowerface]


I find it's a good practice for using right-hand signal to overtake but i dont' think most drivers in SG are aware of that. I'm quite surprised you used it successfully here.

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to TS sirbrian, if i were you, with wifey in the car, i would have chosen to back off and not highlight or horn the car in front. knowing that your wifey is in the car you should not have done anything that can give her a fright, especially since she just discharged from hospital.

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to TS sirbrian, if i were you, with wifey in the car, i would have chosen to back off and not highlight or horn the car in front. knowing that your wifey is in the car you should not have done anything that can give her a fright, especially since she just discharged from hospital.


That is true

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But the picanto guy is soooo irritating how to endure?? I'm sure he loses to many people on the road if he tries to chase, race or whatever and yet he still behaves with such aggression.


In any case, I'll always feel that it's better not to react in such situations. Just putting yourself and all other road-users at risk. Besides, sooner or later he's gonna get it, either he'll get beaten up real bad by real bengs, or total loss his picanto...

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But the picanto guy is soooo irritating how to endure?? I'm sure he loses to many people on the road if he tries to chase, race or whatever and yet he still behaves with such aggression.


In any case, I'll always feel that it's better not to react in such situations. Just putting yourself and all other road-users at risk. Besides, sooner or later he's gonna get it, either he'll get beaten up real bad by real bengs, or total loss his picanto...




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actually i always wonder...if kena such tailgater....if I am pissed off and travel exactly at on the speed limit, what can they do? bang my car? LOL....

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Actually this Picanto not scary, just play punk. I kena the 300C taxi with super bright headlights. I hate them! Think ECP is theirs. Why out TP not catch all this idiots?

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Neutral Newbie

One year from First post and we are still debating

on the Picanto behaviour.

Picanto is not a fast car and even if it is, should not

be doing all sort of Ah beng and Gangsterism in everyday



Must be constantly be aware that he can be fast, but

what does he gain when someone confronted him.

Ego? Dont think so, he will just lose his day.

He dont make someone else day and people will take

him for lunch, dinner and what so ever.


Picanto is fast just because every other road users

are obeying speed limit. Imagine every car on the

E'way sped up when they saw this errant driver with his

Picanto and do all sort of stunts to him,

he will know that his car is the slowest and wake up from his

irresponsible behaviour.

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Neutral Newbie

actually i always wonder...if kena such tailgater....if I am pissed off and travel exactly at on the speed limit, what can they do? bang my car? LOL....


Answer = 两败俱伤 [lipsrsealed]


There are crazy drivers out there on the roads EVERY DAY.





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