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Lets list the boo-boos this year 2008 in Sillypore


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1. Most wanted "dead or alive" terrorist - escaped from prison while pee-pee. The guards may be too distracted by his limping "leg" seen only when in high motion.


2. Increase GST from 5% to 7% - even thought a lousy no good third grade economist even agree that inflation will be rising and rising this year,


3. CBD, no stopping for taxis except for taxi stands - if this is the atitude the policy makers are proceeding, then perhaps we have to start singing.... all my bags are pack and I waiting to go...... I am leaving on a jetplane.


4. Freezing S&C chargers - they should be reducing these charges, why - there is economic of scale, MIW gahmen inject grant funds regularly, then why should public housing S&C charges be higher than some Condos, some more no security guards especially the gurkha types at River Valley


5. GIC investing in UBS and Citi - they could have bought it even cheaper NOW, prior to acquiring, Soros said it is a mistake and GIC will live to regret it, it is another round of CPF money lost and subsequently another round of milking the sillyporeans


6. Marina IR - in any which way you see it, it is still a gambling den (high class) - why the who ha about Duxton Road by Member of Parliment, Marina IR will soon be the largest Chicken Farm in Sillypore, those who want to apply dont bother because those participate in this forum have been banned, you dont see it does not mean it does not exist


7. 3/4 tank policy - should be reverse, thailand have no such policy, thais are free to parasite on Malaysian's cheap subsidized petrol, if sillypore is (claim) riches in South East Asia, why cant MIW subsized our petrol, even dont subsized remove a free percentage from the petrol tax would help every citizen especially during these trying times


8. If you want to check on ME (Private Investigator) - apply for permit first, why is law or the rule of the land apply differently for sillyporeans, if you want to check on us (common sillyporeans), shouldnt they need to apply for permit too (like police warrant), where is the safe guard of our privacy or human rights, even my rats at home have rat rights.



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9. 65 to 90 yrs or default 80 yrs scheme for your CPF retirement! [sly]...most won't even see the $$$ coming anyway! [laugh]


10. HDBs selling at $750,000+ at Boon Keng area! [laugh]


11. Price increases and so is record inflation rate so Mini Stars and Kakis need more Pay increases to 'compensate' them for their unique talents in service! [sly][laugh]

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Ms Vivian say no budget so the 3000 "needy" familees will have to suck thumb with $290 per mth while he takes home his multi peanuts paycheck....

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12. billion dollar IR take 2 years to build while Punggol BTO takes 5 yrs to complete. laugh.gif

Edited by Maroon5
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Neutral Newbie
5. GIC investing in UBS and Citi - they could have bought it even cheaper NOW, prior to acquiring, Soros said it is a mistake and GIC will live to regret it, it is another round of CPF money lost and subsequently another round of milking the sillyporeans


can buy it for less now, does not mean you would have the chance to buy it now. hind sight is always perfect. and don't believe everything a businessman says.

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of course YES


because 66.6% said YES


i am only the minority who from their own words


can earn more if they are in private sector


then salary and whether to be fired or not should be base like the private


you and I are NOT living in sillypore a country


we are LIVING in a registered company Sillypore Inc



with few million dollar salary per minister still can come out with recent taxi cannot stop other than taxi stand


how to justify such high salary


totally disconnected from the masses


the TAXIGATE SAGA is just one of the many boo boos that has been committed


BUT who am I to suggest otherwise, there are so many 66.6% supporters here whether MIW are right or wrong, many still say they are RIGHT



wait for another few cycles of economic slow down and recession then forumers here will understand why we need to help MIW to built a people society and NOT a sillypore INc.



When the time comes for baby boomers to take out their CPF, MIW cannot produce the money so keep pushing back the retire age and keep pushing the day you can get the money


the MIW is exchanging yours and mine hard earn cash to material things bought at a high price but claimed to be subsidized like HDB flat.


good luck to all of us

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haha this is like coe bidding..because you don't pay what you bidded, a lot of dealers bid high high.


likewise voting......a lot think vote miw or vote opp also pay the same taxes, so might as well vote miw to get the upgrading and stufflaugh.gif

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if we dont do something and help MIW


when papa Lee goes, there would a power struggle


a huge void is created


a lot of lost sheeps (MIW) would be wondering around .... baa baaa


by then we may be in greater trouble


because you ask yourself


anybody really afraid of baby lee in parliment


they are afraid now because papa lee can make mince pie out of you if you dare to disturb his boy boy


it is no longer an issue of whether opposition wins or lost


or whether there is a majority



what we really need is a good clear direction where the people of sillypore knows where they are heading


you can have ERP secretly built over night and next morning you tell sillyporeans they are put up us in case, if traffic becomes heavy then we may consider turning it on


the same corollary, why dont also pay you ACEMUNDO a multi-million dollar salary first because we never when your potential will appear and when that happens you may be the next prime minister

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14. why we pay so much taxes that people living in Potong Pasir governed by Mr Chiam could not get a favour in area upgrading


15. why after Mr Chiam Challenger has been defeated and left, the walkway lamp along the coffee shop towards the MRT station was removed? i suppose this is like... hey, u dont vote me, u dont get what u want...!!!


16. Why such as small country (just a dot) yet want to show off to people but still let the convicts escape easily? so much money from our taxes to build elegant and tall building for Police station HQ etc, what is this all about?


17. Why building T3, and dump budget terminal to one corner where no free transport from T1/T2 to budget terminal? are they isolating cheap flight ticket? sound like racist to me


18. why the minister needs to be paid so well when their roles is to serve the people, not, so far i dont see any, even CPF also like shi t, like someone mentioned, dont even know you are getting back the $$ once your eyes is closed.


19. why when sillypore is so small, and yet want to build this and that, knowing that the road is beginning to get congested soon eventually, cant they optimize the land by building more road, rather imposing ERP system.


20. why hao lian when we cant at all. [smash]

Edited by Keithhiap
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so getting the upgrading, but yet have to pay, isnt that LPPL, everyone must give opposition a chance to perform, you will never know what they can do for u.


i think i abit color blind now, i seeing white as black leh. jia lat liao leh

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21. why must be first to have night f1 when the lightings must simulate day time!?wahahahahhahah...oso...must up price for ferris wheel becoz from there can see ants????

Edited by Tony76
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22. dont be misleaded by those who is wearing white shirt as an angel, in actual fact, they are devils. [nod] Is there a need to raise so much from GST to CPF age to ERPs gantry to taxi fare to bus fare to mrt fare to food cost to parking cost to HDB cost to whatever cost. keke

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