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Vertex's Lunch Invitation For Chery Owners! :-)


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damage control lah... they regret sell A168 to DK, trying to buy lunch for those who kana MALUed by DK

hahaha didn't think of that...seems very possible!

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i saw 3 so far le.....front looks like lagacy, back looks like mazda 5 n side like stream or wish.... [hur]


and oso saw the Honda CRV look a like T11 at my MSCP.....


no offense to the china car owners but tat's how the cars r being copied... front copy this, back copy tat, side copy tis... some copy wholesale (like the QQ, which ironically received award from the China garmen for innovative design [:/])... i was so friggin amazed at the rebadged Byd-make sedan... from far, looks much like BMW 3-series!

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I dont drive a chery but can i go too? pretty please...?

my 0-100 is the same as u .. :(


Vertex shows appreciation to their valued customers you all also want to make fun. [shakehead] Anyway, you guys can make fun all you want. I'm not bothered. At the end of the day, who gets the last laugh? We'll be getting a free lunch while you don't.


Peace! [scholar]

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i rather eat fast food.


enjoy your FREE lunch [laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]


if it taste funny better not eat hor.. do be selective. otherwise u kena food poisoning cannot come and entertain us [:(]

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we all continue to laff lor..... til the end.... so u think you got the last laff?? no, we all here in MCF got the last last last lafflaugh.gif

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Sorry guys but the lunch has been postponed due to not enough participants. The minimum is 30, so please continue your support.


It'll be a good opportunity to discuss about the pros and cons of our cars, detailing and performance PLUS the re-introduction of the Chery-Singapore forum.



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did i say is a con job? arranging sinple lunch also can bump into glitches??? what more can you/ they offer [laugh]

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no prob bro, by now you should know i m not those who like to [furious][furious] , i juz like to listurb people, if one cannot tahan listurb, should not reply to my posting [laugh]

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NKPS / Chickenfarm,


There will be no [furious] lah. No worries...

I'm learning to see the light after all the bashing... really... Sometimes Chery also really cannot defend lah... [shakehead]


I'm beginning to understand the whole MIC crass...

Edited by Driftking
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Let's not get too personal here.


And time to move on. I do not see anything wrong with this thread this time and you should stop picking on him.



To the rest,

MCF is a car forum for all makes and models. Whether one drive a Ferrari or Picanto, let's not make fun of it. Please be reminded of our guideline.


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