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Bashed up in supermarket


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Unbelievable. Even if she is a maid, there is no need to resort to violence what....


Think our people all very stress.

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got one time in genting's mushroom restaurant, i dress until like shiiit


one realli super lousy white t shirt....realli the hawker assitant type [laugh][laugh][laugh] and jeans...


then got one aunty call me "kopi kia, lai! order drinks" [laugh][laugh][laugh]


me "aunty, ai lim simi" [laugh]


anuty: "........"


me "ok"


me to towkay: "....."




later aunty realised when i sit down and eat, then she [blush] , but i very mischevious i like to play pretend [laugh][laugh][laugh]

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but i wore nike top and bottom leh. add up together also got almost $100. hehehe. dunno he lah. funny unker. but i not angry lah. just find it damn funny. [laugh][laugh]

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actually this kind of thing quite common.

my sister also kana this kind of treatment from one particular hospital.

the nurse treated her like a maid and she was so piss off that she bitch at them.. haha...

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shocked ?!? where have you been ?? laugh.gif.

I am Chinese (definitely not dark like Thais), yet sometimes when I hold doors for people, instead of thanking me,they gave me the look as though I was born to hold the door for them furious.gif


Usually when they dun smile or even say thank you..I will say very loudly "You Are Welcome"...& then Smile...


This method works best when there is a crowd... [laugh]


BohPian...We have too many ppl here who are either born rude or have poor up bringing... [:/]

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Ang moh one not that tua kee lah... only about 6 inches nia nia...


You should see mine [shocked][:p]


Looks like someone has tried ang moh one before. They even know the size. [laugh][laugh][laugh]

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many pple dog eye see pple low one lah.


just now i at coffeeshop ask my fren wanna drink wat. when i walked passed the next table one unker looked at me at said "kopi". wah lao eh. which part of me looks like a kopi kia? [dizzy]


Actually you seem to be contradicting your own words.


Why did you find it offensive to be mistaken for a kopi kia?

Is it because you think that being a kopi kia is a 'lowly profession'?


I've ever mistaken other shoppers for being the sales assistant in a shop before. And I've also been mistaken for an SA before. Sometimes it is really quite difficult to tell, esp when the SA herself/himself isn't proactive in offering help. In your case, the unker might be half-drunk already, heard you asking "What you want to drink?" to your friend and related you to being the kopi kia just because of that. [laugh]


For me, I laugh it off and direct the person to the SA. No ill feelings, honestly. But some S,poreans seem to find it degrading to be mistaken for an SA and will respond with hostility, usually an irritated glare. I say S,poreans coz I've only seen such behaviour exhibited by S,poreans before.


We still have a long way to go to becoming an 'equal' and gracious society.


Just my two cents. Hope you don't mind. [:)]

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