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Nikko R/C Cars


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Neutral Newbie

Hi bros and sis.. Is there any place tat sells cheaper Nikko R/C Cars?

Thanks for ya help..


Edited by Ken_au
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Neutral Newbie

Not quite a collector but sometimes see nice den buy lor.. I hav one at home very long din play.. Now put in new batt cant run.. Sad man... [shakehead]

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Other than Nikko, you can try Stargek, located at payar lebar road... near the traffic police building. Selling Tamiya R/C... Quality way better than Nikko in my opinion...



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nikko's standard seemed to have dropped alot..


my dad bought me a r/c car more than 10 years ago, for ard 200 bucks..it lasted me 6 years before he gave it away to a relative..


my fren bought one somewhere in 2007, and it lasted barely 6 months and things were falling apart.heh.




i still remember the tamiya mini 4wd..i hated using 4wd..always used 2wd..


couldnt enter the competition cos i forgot to bring my tamiya motors..was using a custom wound motor which has higher torque but somewhat slower speed, for the ramps and loops..bleargh! [laugh]

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