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if u dun enjoy the companionship, the work (forget abt the pay) better to leave. this has nothing to do with risk.


saw this program on channel new asia - blogtv.sg


a 24 years economic graduate given up her bank job to open a dessert restaurant


a young man working in government department to start an it company


boy these guys are really brave


i think there are many here could have been very rich and / or famous


but they are just not risk takers

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saw this program on channel new asia - blogtv.sg


a 24 years economic graduate given up her bank job to open a dessert restaurant


a young man working in government department to start an it company


boy these guys are really brave


i think there are many here could have been very rich and / or famous


but they are just not risk takers





thats not risk, if you have nothing much to lose


24 still young, can still afford to make many mistakes


could be os very subjective, everyone says could be, but in reality no one knows

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some say they will, some think they will, but in reality they wont, cos in the end too much risks involved in losing current high pay which derails the current plan to high asset ownership. the guvment will try and try, but the mindset is no longer there for pp to set up biz in a v costly environment. been there, done that twice and lost out much too peers who have climbed the safer way. Cant wait to do it all over again ... [hur][sweatdrop]

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Few Years back...wanted to give up my job & turn Pro in Golf...But when I think of the commitments I have, I think it would be rather selfish of me... [:/]


My advise to those Young & Single...Dun wait till its too late...As for me...My time has come & gone...so Sad... [:(]

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If this is your dream, go for it if you can. You will never regret.

I have fulfilled mine several years back. I gave up my so call good job in home country and went back to school - in a foreign city at thousand miles away. Most people thought I was impulsive and less practical. What happen if I couldn

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thats not just a risk but a commitment as well.


anything you do you decide not for yourself but your kids.


rationally we should give our kids some choices

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I took the plunge last year. Quit a high paying job to go into investing full time at a local securities firm. Wife is not working to look after my 2 young kids full time. Plus a maid to help maintain the house.


I do not "work" anymore for the rest of my life.

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i intended to travel trans-siberian train from Moscow - Mongolia - Beijing, then fly back to Singapore at that time...

Too bad, i have missed the chance [:/] Hopefully, I will strike 4D/TOTO, can retire early and go on this missing path [laugh]

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i've always wanted to be a rock star as im very good with guitars.

Commitments, commitments...hold me back.


Im still young, will be who i want to be soon!



Everything is pre-arranged here.

Born, go school (pri, sec, poly/jc , Uni) , army, work (to help boost economy), get married n kids (same process goes on for the kids), retire, die.

Sooo meaningless i feel. Too robotic.


Go do what u really want, no matter how hard it takes.


Just my thought. Perhaps my job sucks and not interesting enuff.

Dont flame me.... hahaha

I dont care anyway.

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I took the plunge last year. Quit a high paying job to go into investing full time at a local securities firm. Wife is not working to look after my 2 young kids full time. Plus a maid to help maintain the house.


I do not "work" anymore for the rest of my life.


got any tips on investing or now?


pls share share on what sector to go in now... i'm thinking of investments now.....

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