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Heavy Images: 2009 Mazda RX-8 Facelift


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is it only me that thinks the current one actually looks nicer? [:/]


i think there is something really wrong with the flow of the rear bumper... [shakehead]

and it lost all the rotary crest...

the one on the front and rear bumper is gone,

the one on the front sit is gone

and i prefer the old steering.. which actually have a bit of rotary shape also...

everything is gone [:(]


still prefer the current model with original type S bodykit [inlove]


No... you're not the only one. As a owner of the current RX8, I still love the current version over the new one. I don't believe that it's a case of sour-grapes, but rather I find the new version is a bit too fussy in the details department. The design of the RX8 is very strong and smooth flowing, but the new design adds too much complexity which clutters up the clean lines. The rotary engine is a key defining feature of the RX8, and the loss of the rotary symbols while not a big deal for some, represents to me a loss of an important identity of the car. I also like the current headlight design over the new version, although the newer and simpler tail-light design looks pretty promising (and looking like the GTR!).


Perhaps speaking as a owner of the current version, we tend to notice the changes in the details more than other non-owners. The difference in details are not that radical and may not be noticed by non-owners, so I guess it is more important to see if there's any improvements in the performance as well.

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yea, i think the new 8 has got more negative comments than positive ones [sweatdrop]


to me, i like those rotary crest very much [inlove]

but it's now gone [:|]


i don't really fancy the GTR-wanna be tail light too, because i think the two circles are too big and it seems like they are trying very hard to squeeze the two circular lights in [dizzy]


in terms of performance, i heard the gear ratios have been changed to improve acceleration, which is a welcome mod [nod]

but i wonder if this would mean a lower top speed due to closer gear ratio, to think that current 8's top speed is already quite low [sweatdrop]


and i really hope that they can cut down some weight from the new 8, as the current one is a bit too heavy for its size [gossip]

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