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Where to get tyre pressure gauge?


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If you are serious about accuracy then go for professional type. DIY gauge are only so so and will not last too long


Edited by Yeobh
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any recommendation brands for reliable tyre pressure gauge?

Better to get proper dial gauge model rather than the push-rod type.


I have been using a Sellery Tire Pressure Gauge (56-603) which I bought for about $7.50 about 5 yrs ago from a neighbourhood hardware shop. It has metal body and has an air-release button. Looks similar to Yeobh's photo in post above this one, but without the hose.


In any case if your tyres are warm or hot, pump about 10-30 kPa more. Then use the gauge to check the tyre pressure again the next morning before driving, when the tyres are cool. Release some air if necessary. Don't forget to maintain pressure of the spare tyre; won't want to find it flat when you need it most!

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Here is one without hose - professional all metal casing unit suitable even for checking racing tyres.The price is about 3 to 4 times more than yr DIY plastic gauge.


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Where to buy a cheap one? Heard it's no longer avail in mustafa. Anyone got recent updatE?


Just bought $5.50 from Mustafa, dial-type.

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