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Ex-teen actor starts jail term for insubordination in NS


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what is the drop out rate for local ranger course har?


I dun really noe the average but for my batch, we had 32 initially but in the end, only 13 came thru. (actually...12, if u minus the last minute kena f**ked off one). Mostly got injuries, some cannot tahun drop out half way and some accumulates too many demerit points kena failed on the spot [shakehead]


Oso, during the 1st phase in Singapore (1 month of physical training), the finale is a 10 km fullpack run in FBO. Some cannot make it within the 45 mins timing so kena kicked out. Only when u passed the physical phase then can u proceed to the Jungle traning phase in Thailand or Brunei [nod]


for those who cant take it and quit, do they ring the bell like shown in the movie G.I. Jean? [laugh]


This is a myth lah but some instructor like to put a bell there to listurb us [nod] Each time we kena tekan-ed they'll say, "go ring the bell lah...can eat fried rice immediately...why suffer?!!" [sweatdrop]


yah. my friend attended the ranger course and told me you need more mental strength then physcial strength to go thru this course as physically, most of the trainees already have it.

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Everyday run timing sure improve rite? So for chin-ups oso same same [nod] Put on the fullpack everyday do...the number will increase as u go along [flowerface]


It's like why SOF wear PT kit wif boots... After u remove the boots and put on your running shoe, u can literally fly [thumbsup]


this reminded me of my BMT SOC training. our instructors make us put packet drink pack with sand (the packet of sand throw on the floor cannot have den one. must be solid pack with sand else repack) on all 4 of our SOB ammo pockets together with 2 full water bottles and the heavy SAF poncho. during test date, remove all the unnecessary weight and we really can fly!! [laugh]

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Dun liddat leh bro...my LC just went down u quickly come and tickle my b*lls again [sweatdrop] Later I start going on and on again cos old man darn long winded wan [:/]


OK...same offer...u drop by Amoy Food Ctr and we talk over coffee or I buy u lunch [:p]

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Neutral Newbie

ha ha but they can like tekan him ask him to do sxxt job..


Anyway your grandfather stories are a nice read really.

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Usually quite choon wan lah...look at the old taxi driver who killed the young man at Orchard, our dear Reagan L*e who killed the SE when test driving the Miata, etc.

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Maybe this thread will die off during the weekend but I hope Monday when I log-in again, I'll see more interesting entries about this Detainee [:p]


Weekend got no permission from CO to surf MCF cos got work to do [:/]


Have a wonderful weekend everyone [flowerface]

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