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Ex-teen actor starts jail term for insubordination in NS


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Neutral Newbie

ha ha, if you have it fluant it [laugh][laugh]


[thumbsup] Steady la... your 2.4k should be about 8.45min at least rite ??


reverist which unit now ?

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true.. it quite hard to find commanders who lead by exmaple.


Kudos to those who join the uniform for their passion, to protect and serve the nation.


this OC of mine really serve with passion. he even postpone his US training and wanted to lead us till we ROD (once he is back from US, he will get his maj rank. that means delay his promotion). [hur]

but he got to go after his higher command told him cannot postpone anymore liao. [laugh]


i also remember he had his honeymoon at Sentosa because he wanted to lead us during our Ex. i really pity his wife! must be a very understanding wife!!


he has done alot of personal sacrifices for the army and the nation that really earn the respect from the men!!

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Looking at his past records pertaining to this current case, seem to me he indeed is having a problem with his superiors....but then again I have came across fair share of young officers and Specs during my NSF days which was more than 10 over years ago...Majority of the selected OCS candidates were fresh from oven, 18-19 just finish studies haven't really step into the real world, throw them into a so-called 10 mths comprehensive training and expect them to turn out to be the future leaders of the forces and lead by example..but actually how many r there that really have that leadership quality?...I alway believe leadership is inborn not something that one can instill onto another..u have it mean u have it, u CMI mean u CMI, no matter how many leadership books or courses u read up or took up also no use....This young officers want have their new appointed rank, is like receiving their first candy bar after suffering for 10mths..some idiot will take it as pay back time, some that can think will try to do something worthwhile during their 2.5 yrs...to me some of them r just not mature enough to hold such rank and to lead a platoon of 30 plus men....U know u have earn your men's respect is when even after u ORD, yr men still greet u sir when they meet u outside...

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Neutral Newbie

your OC really nuts man.. sure hope his wifey is still with him. Given any another lady, she would have sent you a lwayer's letter. ha ha


maybe SAF should have a system, where men can commend or vote for officers and WOs, who have shown true leadership and passion in serving the nation.

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No need paiseh [flowerface] I is lau peng liaoz...tt's why see all the neng kar peng nowadays kpkb this one siong that one chuan I buay tahun [shakehead] This punk lagi best...bo tua bo suay and kan si lang cheng [shakehead]


7 days is too lenient [:/]

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Neutral Newbie

nowasday. kids are like that.. all spoilt like hell..


Remember this incident at Pasir White Sands, waiting to get a cab, it also was after BMT POP this new bird in uniform. His mother told him dun use those army harsh language which included some vuglaries. He told the mother off stating that "they use it the army therefore he could use it, everyone in the army use it" Complain about how the "f$%@ing 3sgt tekan them" "all the sgt use vulagries" He super yah yah man. In Army this and Army..


I was going to turn around to give him a piece of my mind fro being rude to his mother and being spoilt, when my female compainion stopped me and huslted me into a cab.

Edited by Scoop
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Neutral Newbie
should have ba.. else how to find the best actor, i mean best candidate for Officer..


why would any NSF want to get into OCS.. reservist age is until 50 if not wrong..


To avoid working under clueless, cmi, FON officers) for the next 18 mths. [;)]

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Neutral Newbie
mauhaha... the IQ test.. i do all press A... kena fug by the bugger in CMPB... ask me redo... 2nd time i press all B... kena fug again.... 3rd time i press ABC ABC ABC all the way... hwhahaha


then they ask me go again after few weeks later... muahahha...



then i kena stupid vocational assignment... go NDU.. wtf.... never tell ppl bring swimming trunk.. wear undies walk ard the camp... wtf...



[thumbsup][thumbsup] classic commando/NDU quality .... rather bash thru wall than open door [laugh][laugh]

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[shakehead] CMI...


I is no longer talk about SAF anymore unless pple broach on the topic like here [:)] It used to be difficult to delink myself from SAF topic initially esp. just after my ROD cos that was all I knew then [nod]


Now I is very backdated liao cos during my time it was still a 9 men section and the helmet was still the steel type with an inner-liner [:p]


But army lingo is still exclusive to the guys who'd served NS b4 lah [laugh] I mean now if someone says, "Halo...aircon ar?!!", we noe straight away that it was refering to someone who doesn't remove his helmet [laugh] And "eye power", "walk somemore!!", "halo...talking to your gf ar?!!" etc. Where got vulgarities only [flowerface]

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Neutral Newbie

Steel helmet and 9 man section era.. WO always complain that it gives them a headache plus sores. ha ha


Yeah army lingo has not change since then.. [laugh] it has been faithfully passed down batch after batch. [sunny] plus the tekan sessions remember in BMT kena change parade but it was banned. [laugh][laugh]

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"walk somemore!!". Ha Ha, this one!


There was a sergeant who didn't say the above, instead he shouted:


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Neutral Newbie
the thing is..at office, you dont get $400+ for doing the job of someone who is paird 2-3k+


also, if you're not happy, can quit..you cant do that in NS can we?



If you compare your career to NS, yes, you can quit your job, but you'll still need to find another job, which can be just as bad. But as a whole, you can't quit WORKING, cos thats part of being in the society, just like you cannot quit NS.


Unless ofcourse you have millions n millions in the bank, can quit NS and working altogether by migrating to aother country.

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More lingos.


"You think I thought who confirmed?"


"Better double up!"






The classic one I ever heard.


"You can complain to SIB. No use one. I go in from one door, get out immediately from another".


This remark came from a WO after he tekan-ed us until jialat jialat.

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Ar tekan session [flowerface]


I remember last time they say tt Ranger is siao wan (dunno if they still say tt now). So when I came back to Unit with tt red tap on my sleeve, one of my men made a mistake and was caught by me. So I told him jokingly that, "I dun care how u do it...you better go find for me 20 male and 20 female spiders by 2359 today or u'll get it from me!!"


KNN tt silly f**ker really go catch spider around the camp until the BOS came and tell me ni [sweatdrop] After tt I neber joke anymore [nod] Silly fellow [shakehead]

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