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Typical Singaporeans!!


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Neutral Newbie

I was travelling ard 12 noon on PIE towards Changi Airport. I was in lane one when suddenly the vehicles infront of me all braked. I was travelling 110km/h at that time,and had to jam brakes to ard 20km/h. I was wondering what happened! I realised that all the vehicles infront braked just to see the massive jam on the opposite lane(PIE,towards TUAS). For god sake! Its so dangerous!! [hur]

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Putting their on lives on ermm.. Well you know... No driving ettiquette..


Really motivates me to buy a Hummer and put a thick diameter Kangaroo Bar... [furious]

Edited by Sickscientist
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Singapore driving - why they jam brakes on highway:


a. To observe accidents on same or other side of roads, even when there is no traffic obstruction from the accident vehicles. Why? Kapo and maybe chance to get inspiration to strike 4D... never mind if they cause another accident... [thumbsdown]


b. To avoid the TP shooting cam from side, top of bridge or one of fixed cams. Again, rather avoid fine - never mind if they end up in a serious accident... [hur]


c. To try and fish out their cash card as they approach the ERP gantry. Again, more important to avoid the small $10 or so fine - never mind if they end up in a serious accident also... [shakehead]


d. Unscrupulous workshop scouts at work... [thumbsdown]

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Neutral Newbie

hey, not new. that day there was a merc infront of me happened to spot one vehicle at the side.... he then literally jammmed to see what was that car doing... huh! i don't know what to say oso.... i just don't understand lor. They can like reduce their speed all the way from a neck breaking 90 to 40 just to check on a vehicle at the road side. Just don't know what this people are thinking, don't they have some simple sense of sefety?????! [mad]


[rifle] them!

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Welcome to the typical style of SG driving!


For me, if I'm directly behind the culprit, he or she will get something FREE from me..... A long blast of my horn! [sly]

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driving past clementi near the mrt or lakeside mrt u can vomit blood too.


there was once this big pte bus simply just stopped on the extreme left lane(not in bus bay!) just to drop passenger. and guess wat? this MF just simply signal left nia. knn.. [furious]

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I was travelling ard 12 noon on PIE towards Changi Airport. I was in lane one when suddenly the vehicles infront of me all braked. I was travelling 110km/h at that time,and had to jam brakes to ard 20km/h. I was wondering what happened! I realised that all the vehicles infront braked just to see the massive jam on the opposite lane(PIE,towards TUAS). For god sake! Its so dangerous!! [hur]



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I was travelling ard 12 noon on PIE towards Changi Airport. I was in lane one when suddenly the vehicles infront of me all braked. I was travelling 110km/h at that time,and had to jam brakes to ard 20km/h. I was wondering what happened! I realised that all the vehicles infront braked just to see the massive jam on the opposite lane(PIE,towards TUAS). For god sake! Its so dangerous!! hur.gif


u salah liaoz...they actually slowing down to catch the 4D nos.




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extreme left very good leow. in clementi, never drive on the left lane, confirm got taxi queue or bus stopping one.

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Neutral Newbie
I was travelling ard 12 noon on PIE towards Changi Airport. I was in lane one when suddenly the vehicles infront of me all braked. I was travelling 110km/h at that time,and had to jam brakes to ard 20km/h. I was wondering what happened! I realised that all the vehicles infront braked just to see the massive jam on the opposite lane(PIE,towards TUAS). For god sake! Its so dangerous!! [hur]


I not sure is it the same one. I was travelling at PIE towards TUAS around noon also, maybe abt 1pm. Think its around adam road or Eng Neo, cant really remember. A biker drop his bag on the 2nd lane. He stopped his bike on the shoulder next to 1st lane and try to stop the other vehicles to get back his bag. Can understand his anxiety to get back his bag but its so dangerous.

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Neutral Newbie

Hi, I would like to make an open apology to the owner of black Toyota Vios. This afternoon around 12pm when i was at Jln Kuras avoiding oncoming car, my left mirror hit the Vios' right mirror which parked along the road side.


When I returned to the spot, after I managed to park my car at less vehicles around 50m away, the black Vios has driven off.


Hereby sincerely apologise to the owner of the black Vios.


Grey Lancer

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Neutral Newbie

Also Add!


f. Cars moving out from filter lane..Knowing that your car is approaching,they still move out,causing people to jam brake for them.. [furious]

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