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Taxi Driver attempted to knock me down - Help needed to bring him down.


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Hi All,


I need good advices on what i should do to bring down such errant taxi drivers.

Driver of SILVERCAB SHC60XXT attempted to knock me down along the pedestrian crossing at Bideford Road. Crossing from Swenson's Orchard towards Paragon.


Here's the story:

It was a crowded night, combination of pedestrians and cars.

One thing about that junction at bideford road, there is no yellow box at the intersection (the place where u cross from Swenson's Orchard towards Taka.) And now they even have those diagonal crossing for pedestrian and as such, the LT EHH feels that a yellow box is not crucial. So many drivers tend to jam up the road in the centre evenwhen the pedestrians are already crossing at Bideford road, they beat the red light and we pedestrians are unable to cross.


I was there around 10+ PM on 29/12/07, green man, so my gf, sister n me crossed the road. One WRX zoomed past the pedestrian almost knocked a boy down. Then come a couple other cars horning and expect pedestrian to give way even when its green man.

The cars on the main road that leads towards centrepoint are already horning cos these few idiots are blocking the road and that leads them to drive through the pedestrian crossing.


We were already in the middle of the crossing, then the red man light went on. One taxi, instead of understanding and having the courtesy rev his engine and move towards my knees. It was so close till i had to balance myself by slamming my hand on his bonnet. Once i gain momentum, the farker still rev his engine n got the intention to knock me down again by moving a little forward. I was so furious, i moved to the side of the taxi - i fark THAT IDIOT like a mad gorilla shouting vulgarities in front of everyone else for a good 30secs(I was so going crazy, u would the same thing if it happened to u as its that bad!). That IDIOT still got the cheek to point me middle finger before driving away. i so wanted to kick his car door and drag him out. But something tells me that would make matters worst.


Well anyway, to cut the story short, i called SILVERCAB hotline to report the incident. They dont have GPS and so they could only get back to me in 2 days. They bringing up the matter to HQ.


What should i do next? Report to POLICE (go police post - but report as what? Recklessness?_ or call TP hotline (Do they have a hotline no. for recklessness?)

Appreciate your help. Thanks


I'm a driver too. Good thing i wasnt knocked down or else, my car windsreeen got to put handicap decal loh (CHOI!). CB Taxi Driver Ah Pek! [rifle]

Edited by Slayer666
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Make sure you do something about this cabbie. Don't let your anger cool down after a couple of days and like most Singaporeans, just complain about something but don't do anything about it. Otherwise he will get bolder and think that he can get away with it. At least follow up with the cab company so that there's a record of this in his file. In future something like this happens again, they'll have more ammo to bring him down. Otherwise, in their eyes, it will always be the first time...

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u also in the wrong mah... crossing when light flashing rite.


ok lah, revenge rite? i know the illegal way to sabo the driver but it will affect his living. so i dun think wanna teach u bad.

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sollie but most of us r peasant grade, at best is only civil suit, not even seizable


remember the cab driver tat knocks down the madza driver.

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KNN [furious] , you are at fault and still want to blame others. It is "red man" means cannot cross the road. You should either walk faster when it is blinking "green man" or wait for it to go "green man" again. LTA/TP should book you for jaywalking.


You are like those typical ah-beng. I bet if you ever bang into the car back side infront, you cried foul and say "it is not my fault because you jam brake!!"

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See many this type of ppl with the mentality "u will not knock me down". Somemore, some ppl see light change to red liao still can dilly dally take their own sweet time to walk, if they double up i still accept. But take own sweet time and still can stare at driver is really too much. Sorry TS, i not refer to u. Juz sharing what other idiot pedestrians do and take things for granted.

Edited by Curahee
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But the fact remains that after TS regained his balance, the taxi driver immediately inched forward trying to make him lose balance again.


Jaywalking or not, it doesn't justify such an act. I can understand if the taxi driver horn etc, but not to the extent of trying to "push" the pedestrain down.

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Unless you have hard evidence or unrelated witness, this is very hard to proceed for the authorities. You can complain to the taxi company but if the driver denied such a incident, what can you do?


Just move on since u, purportedly given the driver a piece of your mind.

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i understand that the traffic light timing for pedestrian from swensen to paragon is very short.

even though when we start crossing when it turned green,the crowd will delay the time and traffic light will turn red before we can reach the other side.

and i notice alot of taxis really like to horn over small matters.

whenever i push my baby across the road,i will make a fast one in case she got shock by those horns.sweatdrop.gif

and it is not uncommon to meet such crazy taxi drivers.

my car got hit by a taxi driver deliberately before.furious.gif

Edited by Turbonetics
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Nowadays we see a lot of 'traffic marshalls' along Orchard Road. Security guards employed by the malls to direct traffic along driveways leading to carparks usually.


Cars have right of way on such driveways, right? But pedestrians still take their own sweet time to cross.


Before these security guards were deployed to be 'stop-and-go' men, revving and inching across would be the only way for a driver to successfully get through the human traffic.


You were partly at fault too, for crossing late. As for the taxi driver, he probably didn't want to block adjacent traffic so inched forward.

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Whatever it is, the pedestrian is King, even if he is jay walking.


Drivers are not supposed to ram them or run over them. At the most can only "Toot Toot" them.


Didn't they teach you that in driving school? [sweatdrop]

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Neutral Newbie

"That IDIOT still got the cheek to point me middle finger before driving away"

Well - at the minimum, shouldnt point middle finger right? [sweatdrop]

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We were already in the middle of the crossing, then the red man light went on. One taxi, instead of understanding and having the courtesy rev his engine and move towards my knees. It was so close till i had to balance myself by slamming my hand on his bonnet. Once i gain momentum, the farker still rev his engine n got the intention to knock me down again by moving a little forward. I was so furious, i moved to the side of the taxi - i fark THAT IDIOT like a mad gorilla shouting vulgarities in front of everyone else for a good 30secs(I was so going crazy, u would the same thing if it happened to u as its that bad!). That IDIOT still got the cheek to point me middle finger before driving away. i so wanted to kick his car door and drag him out. But something tells me that would make matters worst.



the taxi driver is mad! hur.gif wait a few minutes also won't die.Orchard road traffic conditions are like that one mah.Taxi drivers should learn to be more patient.

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you shd slam yourselves back to the cab and see if you can get a dent on the bonnet. then call police that the cab almost knock onto you when the it's 'red man'.


See who got more to lose.. 'red man' is at most jay walking if it counts but dangerous driving + dent bonnet [sly]



Edit: if you can act, roll from front and land at the back... much better effect [bounce1]

Edited by Sony
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