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Occasionally have foul air-con smell


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Recently I have some foul sourish smell from the air-con, the smell used to be quite frequently then drive back to agent, they did some flushing and the smell went off for a while.


Recently, the smell comes back and now it happens occasionally. Anyone got any solution and I heard by hanging the dehumidifier like thirsty hippo type will help to reduce the moisture in the air-con system so that the mould and fungi will not grow in the air-con, is that true?


Anyone care to advise?

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last time i hear over radio.


sure works for mi...


when reaching home... if rain then go mscp inside. unless urs is totally outdoor then too bad


open all windows


set to highest heat


set blow to highest ... for 15 mins.


then off , go home.



if still hav smell, close all windows... let AC hotest run inside... but human out lar... so not suna.

then blow till 15mins.


then open windows to let air out.




if still have.... maybe u should check ur whole engine bay , AC fresh air in area, .. maybe a dead rat or bird...

happen to one of the guys long time ago. !


tat one yucks. chao da birdy.

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just switch the air inlet fr recycle to fresh intake and roll down ur windows. after a few minutes switch back to recycle. the older air sud b expunged by now.


if u want a better result, get clorox or lysol anti bacterial spray and spray into the grille.

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Oh, thanks for the advice and today I went to ComforDelGro for the 2-in-1 Air-Con treatment, now everything is with the strong fragrance smell.


I have also bought small packet of the Dry & Dry Up which will suck up moisture meant to be put in drawer but I have insert in between the air-con filter and the tray so that it is near to the blower fan and outlet.


Hope it can help to suck up the moisture from the air-con coil when off the air-con.

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Just to share, I did the treatment from CDGE but the smell comes back again occasionally, I was wondering whether the smell could be coming from the carpet as I have used the Soft99 carpet cleaner to clean my carpet but the smell was quite smelly type, not sure why?


Can anyone provide some guidance whether will the smell from passenger area goes into the air-con blower fan?

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Do you use any air freshner in your car?

I use to get some foul smell when I had air freshner in my car

After I stop using it, the foul smell also gone [laugh]

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No usage of air freshner in the car as I used to have that problem and found out the problem lies on the air-con vent type of air freshner.


I had installed an ioniser in the car though but I have heard to spray Lysol into the air-con intake vent, can anyone tell me which are the intake vent for the air-con?

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U say u recently cleaned your carpets. Maybe u dislodged the AC water drain pipe accidentally & the water is wetting the floorboards which is causing the smell?


B4 u cleaned the carpets u did not have any problem with smell, right? Check under the carpets if they r damp.

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Brother, I have check my carpet area and it is dry without any water stain so it is fine. I have rewash my carpet and the smell is not that strong.


But like what I had PM you that I have bought the Lysol and Thirsty Hippo and put the Thirsty Hippo in the glove box and spray the Lysol onto the intake vent so hope it can remove the smell.

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Try setting the air intake to "refresh" when driving on the expressway. It should be able to clear away the foul smell. I set to refresh during expressway driving and set to "recirculate" during city driving.


If your car air-con still smell. Take it to a air-con mechanic to have it checkup. Maybe the drainage system is clogged? Or air filter is dirty?

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Guys, recently the foul smell comes back from the air-con and the smell is very frequent so I went to Autobacs and saw the Air-con cleaner from CarMate which cost cheaper than the COMMA air-conditioner cleaner, the CarMate cost me only $13.93 while COMMA cost $29.90 though Autobac is having a promotion for it.


This CarMate works slightly same as the COMMA but the CarMate lets out Steam instead of water vapour type so it will not makes your carpet or seats wet which is more convenient.


How well this item works will monitor the situation and now I will practise opening the air-circulation mode to let the air from outside to cool the coil few minutes before I reach home.


Please find below for the product photo.





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Sorry to be a wet-blanket but I've used both (Carmate and COMMA)...the smell will come back in one or two months. Anyhow, I find COMMA worked better and its cleaning effect last longer than Carmate [nod]

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Oh, thanks for sharing. Guess we have to practise to open the circulation mode to let the water inside the cooling coil dry out few minutes we reach home, right?


Do you practise that or any other methods to prevent the foul smell re-occurring, care to share?

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