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Ministers, top civil servants to get 4% to 21% in 2nd pay rise


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Guest Julio369
Neutral Newbie

I shed tears when i hear this pce of news. [smallcry][smallcry][smallcry]


many S'porean are struggling to fight inflation, trying to survive each day, trying to save 10 cents & 20 cents of grocery...sad, real sad.

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Yippie!!!! We're so happy for our gahmen... We're so glad that they are being "adequately" paid for their "excellent" service to all in our humble country... Keep it up!!! bounce2.gifbounce2.gifbounce2.gif


3 cheers for the gahmen!!!


Hip hip hurray!!!


Hip hip hurray!!!


Hip hip hurray!!!










The above congratulatory message is brought to you by the ah soh that sold you your vegetables in the market, sweatdrop.gif the grumpy bus service 184 driver, sweatdrop.gif the meat packer at the local supermarket, sweatdrop.gif the clerk working her butt of at a MNC, sweatdrop.gif the aircon salesman trying to make ends meet, sweatdrop.gif the mother who has to put up with all the shat that her boss is throwing at her so that she can keep her job...etc.


Please add to the list...

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ministerial salaries are performanced-based?


what are their performance-based indicators? how much coe/erp revenue? how much the COLA has gone up? how much temasek earn in dividend per year? if they want to tell beautiful stories, then they should reveal more.

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Holy Sh8t. again!!!!! they just had an increment. What result they had done since the last increment? Taxi fare up, inflation up, living cost go up but pay remains. Sibei hor leh, do nothing n can get pay increment.


HUAT lah for all our 'talented' ministers n top civil servants. They will be laughing all the way to the bank while normal citizens struggling w ever raising living cost n stagnant pay.


WELL DONE [thumbsdown]

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Neutral Newbie

they help to increase revenues to their "Sinkapor Pte Ltd" mah.

imagine u in a company helping the company increase their turnover won't u get a pay rise too?

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Neutral Newbie

with our salaries that hardly had an increment of 2-4% per annum and the rising of inflation that comes with 7-10% or even more, how to keep up with the pace.

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that is why i am asking if their performance-based indicators include our Cost of Living Allowance (COLA)laugh.gif. our cola go up, means they got better performance pay..

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i am getting a pay increment of about 6-7% come next year... but then i no top civil servant.. only low civil servant niah... [laugh]


PAP rules! [laugh][lipsrsealed]

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