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Signal light tinted red


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Today along AYE, got this vios sgv16xxu turn on his right signal light to filter into my lane. At 1st I thought why this guy keep on hitting the brake repeatedly, and car so new two brakes light already spoilt. I didn't slow down. Only when he has part of his body into my lane, than i realise his is signalling right and filtering into my lane. His red signal light exactly like the rear light in color. Wonder why he have it tinted red, doesn't enhance the look at all.

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Many motorists want to show off & try to b different lah. So maybe he change his turn light(orange) with the brake light(red). He prob just trying to attract attention to himself & his car but when he start to attract the wrong type of attention from mr.TP, then u can be sure he wil put the lights back to their proper colours. [sly][laugh][laugh][laugh]

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Have encountered a Black Color Getz with the same along Jalan Bahar yesterday too.


Though he had signalled his intention but it's pretty difficult to actually see it on the move [:/]


To be different is [thumbsup] but to be different and yet cause some inconvinenances to others is not very alright [rolleyes][rolleyes][rolleyes]

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actually a good friend of mine dirves a coe civic and he uses this kind of light cover.....


got one time i follow his car for directions


i see the colour also blur [dizzy] eh how come got his colour one ah..... [sweatdrop]


but i don want to say him bec he is my good friend [laugh][laugh][laugh]

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i had a chance to be at the back of a brand new Mini 2 nites ago.

The tail lamp design is such that the red rear lights is surrounding the signal lamp, meaning the signal lamp is rite in the middle while the normal red color light is all around it.


problem is at nite, when the rear lights are on, the orange that comes on when it signals sort of blend in with the red, and makes it very hard to differentiate the color....


poor design, my conclusion.

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Agreed. Similar to a Chery QQ. I almost knocked into one last time cos he was trying to come into my lane but I couldn't see his signal light cos his tail lights obscured my vision. Same thing, signal light smack in the middle of the tail light. At night very hard to see.

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Yeah, also see idiots who wants to look different changed all kinds of traffic rules and create danger for everyone.

Red light on the front, blue LEDs below chassis, brake that illuminated reverse lights, driving without headlights at night.


Maybe, one day we will have traffic lights to go when red, and stop when green or anyone who wants to do anything else to get noticed.


TP should go clamped down on these idiots.

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Cars in america also have the drivers seating on the left. Drivers in america also keep a pistol in the glove compartment and a wellington in the trunk(boot). [sweatdrop]

Edited by Crummytyre
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You haven encounter those with blinking LED lights at front bumpers.


The 1st car with these lights and is behind me get it from me. Will give him a choice to off his lights or ............ [;)]

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Today along AYE, got this vios sgv16xxu turn on his right signal light to filter into my lane. At 1st I thought why this guy keep on hitting the brake repeatedly, and car so new two brakes light already spoilt. I didn't slow down. Only when he has part of his body into my lane, than i realise his is signalling right and filtering into my lane. His red signal light exactly like the rear light in color. Wonder why he have it tinted red, doesn't enhance the look at all.


Actually, tinting is not allowed. Somemore in this case, it's tinted red and actually confuses other road users.



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