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Bengs have all the luck...


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Neutral Newbie
Was surfing and chanced upon pics of chicks with their BFs... Can anyone tell me why is it that Bengs always get the pick of the crop? [rolleyes]


That's becos the chicks are also quite lian...dun you find the pics you posted the gals also look a bit lian? gorgeous gals whom are not lian won't pick this kind of guys as their bf..


You are probably right dude [nod]

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Neutral Newbie
last time she super famous wad then wadever info of her was circulating around...

cannot la, after watch video then u see her real person... will start to imagine lots of things... [dizzy]


You terrible lah bro [laugh][laugh][laugh][sweatdrop]

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Now when I just want to have a quiet drink by myself at pub, I get approached by very young babes [scholar]


Bro, which pub you go ah? [bounce1] I also wanna get picked up leh [laugh]

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