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Bengs have all the luck...


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Neutral Newbie
the 1st pic is who huh? [confused][confused]


I not sure bro...surf around net and found one... She's quite chio right? Her ta-tas are quite huge too [jawdrop]

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Neutral Newbie

That's true...bengs never take no for an answer...they will pester a girl they fancy even if she got BF...then steal the girl from the BF...what to do...people like me, all thin-skinned one... [:/]

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Neutral Newbie
[laugh][laugh] Out of the three pics, the girl in the first pic is the only genuinely chio one...the other two so-so only...but I must say, their figures are quite good (relative to their face that is [:p] )
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think u been hanging around poly gals too long...u need a break else u gonna flipshakehead.gifhur.gifhur.gifhur.gifhur.gif



go seek Phd for cowselling...er counsellinglaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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Neutral Newbie

Boss, I didn't say I like lians hor... [laugh][laugh] I only say bengs seem to get some of the cutest girls around... Moreover, nowadays, poly gals around these parts are like yucks man [:p] Don't believe you come back and see for yourself [sly]

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demure, hold themselves well and have an air of class that beckons them...not


those with pubic hair just prickling, and armpit hair stubbling....shakehead.gifshakehead.gifshakehead.gifand not to mention, blood staining...meaning pre-pubertylaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


now u know....i dun wan to kena rotan hor to go for such gals...ptuiiiiiiiiiiiiilaugh.giflaugh.gif

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well...they sure look lians...and let's put it this way hor


'one man's meat another's poison'...you can have your poisonlaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif, I'll keep my sperm....er meatlipsrsealed.giflipsrsealed.gif

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Neutral Newbie

Didn't say I like lians hor...but then again, heard that they are very adept as giving good BLOWs [lipsrsealed]

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man...I stay farrrrrrrrrrrr from them.....dun forget...I married a nurse....so that speaks for itself...muahhaha


air stewardesses are just that.....full of air....bloody pretentious bit****unimpressed.gifunimpressed.gif

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That's true...bengs never take no for an answer...they will pester a girl they fancy even if she got BF...then steal the girl from the BF...what to do...people like me, all thin-skinned one... [:/]


Whoah..... I sense a lot of angst here.... [sweatdrop][sweatdrop]


Anyway if a girl can be swept off her feet so easily even though she is attached, then you are probably better off w/o her lah..... [shakehead][shakehead]

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Neutral Newbie

Then you really lucky to have found a nurse who's the type you have described... Don't forget, a lot of the nurses are lians nowadays hor... [lipsrsealed][laugh][laugh]

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