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CB Black 1.8l CIVIC swerving dangerously!!! And showing off!!!


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No lah... Think he still pissed with the black 1.8 Civic. Since I also drives a black 1.8 Civic, maybe just jio him out, I stop by roadside and let him smoke for once... Then maybe we can be freed from all these nonsense. What about the suggestion? At least his ego will be satisfied and he can go around and tell ppl he smoked a Civic at high speed... (just like how he smoked the smaller cc cars) [hur]


Is it you that night? Are you feeling guilty for what you did?


No la...its me [sly] I dont feel any guilt at all [:p]

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Eh please lah. 989cc, 3 cylinder, 0-100 13.8s, top speed 160kph, scary meh? KNS, a 150cc Honda SP can eat me anytime leh. unsure.gif


OT a bit,


Dun underestimate Kelisa.


I used to own one, I just sold all my kit in Kelisa Forum.


My nick there Turbo130, check out the things I am selling you will know what your fish can do for you.


I think both YOU and Bearbear are both Malaaaaaaysians........... Hahaha!!!


Tat means u China man la ...wahahaha [flowerface]

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Anyway DK, I give you benefit of the doubt. I'll be at Bishan MCF meetup this friday night. You steady, you come down look for us. We have a nice drink & chit chat first. After all, we're civilised people. Not those 60's 70's ah beng ah seng, hammer first then talk. We talk first, race later at legal venues. Swee boh?


I should have guessed that you of all people would back out... How could you expect me to go Bishan for the Meet Up where there's so many forumers who have bad blood with me?


THe bottom line here is you don't dare to face up to your words and actions. The bros here change the meeting place as there will still be people there even if you don't turn up, which is a high chance, given the last time you CHICKENED OUT of the kallang mac and YD meetup. [laugh]


how can we be so sure that you'll turn up at cineleisure.? we don't trust you, because you have proven yourself to be a childish, hypocritical, arrogant, ignorant cowward who stays behind the comp and make a lot of noise.


Must be a good pilot,aeroplane ppl everywhere [shakehead]

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My posting might be a little late on this topic since I see you guys have already moved on to other topics in this thread. I just can't help to share my personal experience. This posting is targeted at no one and just a general message I wish to spread, hoping to make SG a better place to drive.


Recently, my dad was in the ICU (he didnt make it eventually) and I received a phone call from the hospital early in the morning and I had to rush to hospital. I was doing 150km/hr on a 60km/hr road. I know it was very dangerous but I just couldnt help it as all was in my mind was my dad. On my way to the hospital, there were some good drivers who will give way to me and move to the left lane. Of course there were some not so nice ppl who will hog the road and I have no choice but to overtake from the left.


The moral of the story is, no matter what speed you are travelling at, if there is a motorist behind you who is tail-gating you and you are on the right most lane, you should give way simply because you do not know why s/he is in such a hurry. So do not get pissed off if the vehicle/motorbike over takes you on your left and cuts into your lane.


I ever talked about this topic with one of my engineers over coffee shop talk. He said that he sees nothing wrong if he is travelling at 90km/hr on the 1st lane of the expressway and somebody is tail-gating him. I agree that legally he is not wrong (I think), but why can't he just move to the left and let the vehicle behind him pass? I didnt argue with him further on this point.

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This is a message we tried to put across to him,but his ego and his cmi car made a firewall against him. You mention talking to Engineers? Is sit him? [laugh]

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I hope he's not that engineer of mine. [laugh]


Maybe some ppl just cannot see the reason/logic/watever you call it. Since we have already paid so much for our Sillpore cars, why dun we just drive on the left side and enjoy our ride. Nowadays, I always drive on the 3rd or 4th lane of the expressway when my CO in car and even got tail-gated by lorries and buses [:/] Maybe next time must drive on road shoulder liao [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

ermmm.. i believe we are in the topic of road etiquette


I seriously doubt TS will know what the fXXk we are talking about....


No manners, no balls... Pretty fxxk up character i would say! [laugh]

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[laugh][sweatdrop] if not,u have diff time arguing with him.




The TS indeed cant judge a simple logic behind the civic action,just to prove tat his cmi car and ego wont budge after being flashed and tailgated.Kena overtake from left not happy [hur]

Fear has overcome his action,as not to loose face,thus little things like perhaps the woman beside the civic has urgency of e.g giving birth dont come from his brain [:/]

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Neutral Newbie

I really do want to meet this fxxker. Interesting character..... pathetic loser in life. Have a CMI character, CMI career but most importantly, have a CMI CAR..... [laugh][laugh]

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