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Octavia ambiente engine cover(1.6sr)


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Neutral Newbie

anybody wan the engine cover for octavia(1.6sr)?


i forgotten to fix back when i scrap the car....check if anybody needs it before i throw it away.


98552277 - Moey

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wah lau brudder, what you doing with the cover man?


Knowing the Octy A4, you might even have those springs that fall onto the floor right?

Edited by Dudemobile
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Neutral Newbie

bro, i know wat springs u r talking abt liao. u r right...i got 2 springs since the day i got my car and decided to throw it away. i jus cant figure out how it land on the floor haha

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It's the stupid spring that is used to move the seat up and down. after mine fell off, I cannot move the seat down while seated. I kept in the boot, but CA says the plastic broken so cannot put back.

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Neutral Newbie

mine still can move up and down after tat spring fell off. maybe u need my weight to bring the seat down? hahaha laugh.gif

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