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Singapore Drivers!! Are we becoming losers ???


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Well...this thought came across my mind yesterday night while I was getting onto CTE(Towards North Direction) from PIE (Towards West Direction)...As the lane merge and narrows...everyone is like trying to squeeze two car into one lane....Everyone whom have driven this road know that right to the end before joining CTE...the lane will become so narrow that it can only accomodate one car...so this is the bottle neck...no matter how many cars we can squeeze before...the bottle neck is still there...by squeezeing will not enable more car to go through the bottle...probably it will just bring you one or two vechicles ahead but at the expense of other inconvenient and possibility of accident....


Now for the story yesterday night...right after the flyover...I am merging with traffic going into CTE from PIE (Towards East Direction)...There is small section where there is two lane...one for vehicles coming from PIE East Bound and one from PIE West Bound..So I move into the outer lane...there is a honda odessey coming very fast behind me...the front is all slow traffic(Because of the bottle neck)...Without me he also need to slow down...well he flash his light at me...i think maybe he is not happy with me for being in front of him...anyway we move on...right after the bottleneck..I move 1 lane left into CTE...Else I will be in the lane for turning into braddell...I can see he trying to move left too...but isn't a courtesy to let the vehicles in front move out first...please don't think I am bragging...but he is not as fast as me...so I filter first and he is still behind me...then he put on his damm stupid action...he squeeze his way out into the next lane and trying to move into my lane from beside me...yes...trying to knock into me...I move as much as possible away from him...he is crazy and a loser...that's what I think...it is common on the road to have people drive into your way...is singaporeans becoming a sore loser in some sense....anyway...driving to me is to get from point A to B...I am never proud to be a car owner...Its a negative asset...


[/color]YES>>>ARE WE SORE LOSERS ????

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quite common, fr behind one b1tch cuts into a merged lane and nearly squeeze me into the side of the tunnel. i was like w t f..


i tink stebel horn is a necce evil.

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why are they doing things ??? i may have such bad impression of these kind of fellows that I think if they fail to get infront of you...their ego will be very hurt... [shakehead][shakehead]

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ha ha ha...but i got to admit that the slow freaking bull is anytime faster than my little humble ride...probably that's why he is even more hurt... [hur][hur]

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I'm travelling at 70km/h at CTE up north and 10m infront there is 1 car travelling at maybe 75km/h, then came behind 1 rex flash is head light. Many time u will met 1 car at Expressway on center lane travelling at 70km/h but ahead is clear, I just overtake and go. There r some bad driver at time, and we met them at the wrong timing. We can go real hard on them but I feel like it's a waste of time and effort to race or horn at them. The Best is still taxi driver.

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well...driving is getting from point A to B...if it is become a ego issue than well...i really take my hat off my fellow uniquely singaporeans.... [shakehead][shakehead]

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Neutral Newbie

Keep cool and chill, bro. Ignore all those ignoramuses on the road..... slot in that Dean Martin CD and turn up the volume a bit and let the world drift by. No point getting ruffled by the going-ons on our roads, nothing will change and it will always be like this.

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Don't have to get irritated about these people man... Maybe they are not getting their ego fix at work so must try their luck on the road lor... Don't let your mood go down the drain because of these fools...

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Neutral Newbie

Like what many bros says, don't let these affect you. There are much more other important things to consider.


When i was in India, the traffic is an eye opener. Every 5 seconds you hear every car horning (even in red light situation). Everybody don't keep to their lane all the time. The cyclist, cow, horses all attempts to have a fair share on the road. It a part of their driving culture. - i don't see any accidents though...


I don't think i can drive there....It makes me appreciate our traffic here (minus the some kiasu, egoistic driver attitude we talk about all the time)

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