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Got car equals to got date?


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Neutral Newbie

Your question reminds me of a funny story, I used to go out with a babe who on our first few dates didn't even realize I was driving 2 different cars, till I brought it up. You may think its perfectly normal, but one was a bmw coupe and the other an old suzuki swift. Only thing they had in common were their colours and their age. My point - she wasn't bothered at all.


The girls i've been out with since I started driving 3yrs ago have never seemed to care that I drive in my opinion. Of course the convenience of going out together and fetching/sending her home may help a little but honestly I don't think its that important at all. Its all in your mind mate [;)]

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It's quite true happening to all the people around me. Maybe i share some personal stories.


Case 1


This friend his gf break up with him I'm really sure what happen though then soon he got his...


Why not? To the girl, it means more comfort and probably free treats from a "rich" bf..


To the guy, he's just another s**ker thinking he's attracted the gf by his charm.. [inlove]

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Neutral Newbie

Nowadays, life is hard, lots of girls/women thinking of easy way out.

Best is to hook on a rich bf, got money and car. Can have fun, take free meal and drive them around. If got married, no need to think of working anymore. They have this mental model because going steady with a guy doesn't mean marrying him. Hence might as well spend their effort getting a rich one to enjoy first.


They will only start to panic when they are close to their expiry date.

Girls/women are not like Men. Men are like "GINSENG", our values increase with age.

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U are still young hence those females around u also quite young bah.

Back in my poly days, got a car also means much higher chance in getting a date..


But as yrs go by, gers do grow up and does not have a car is not that impt.

They shift focus on ur job and income. They will be starting to gauge if this fella is financially stable


I must admit 100 % that having a transport is really fang bian. Can have more variety and places to go during a date.


Example : If go town for dinner and movie then after that got feeling comes wanna go park stroll or go all the way to changi to watch planes take off also convenient.

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u risk becoming a chauffeur amongst your "friends"...or u attract the wrong type of girl...


This is so very true.

Not just chauffeur, your "good" friends around you will also want to borrow your car.


That's why I like to drive manual.

Less people can handle manual and it has become good excuse to turn them down. [laugh]

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They will only start to panic when they are close to their expiry date.

Girls/women are not like Men. Men are like "GINSENG", our values increase with age.


Women like to associate themselves with wine.

"Wine matures with age"


~But they are cheating themselves. [sly][laugh]

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Your question reminds me of a funny story, I used to go out with a babe who on our first few dates didn't even realize I was driving 2 different cars, till I brought it up. You may think its perfectly normal, but one was a bmw coupe and the other an old suzuki swift. Only thing they had in common were their colours and their age. My point - she wasn't bothered at all.


I am not quite sure of the outcome if your other vehicle was a 10-year old Daihatsu Hijet. Some babes can tell the difference between a car and a van. [laugh][sly][;)]

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Somehow we r all human, so wat we want is wat they r thinking off.

But if 1 is sux driving a lumbo , dun think most of them will like him.

I rather be humble and tell them I ride motor bike or take bus.

It's good in the beginning but in long run we still lose out cos we need to pay the fcuking high petrol bill or best still they take u for a ride until they found someone driving a bigger car than yrs.

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Neutral Newbie
.. i leave the car at home and take the bus.. just to make sure...



You are very smart. If a girl only goes out with you because you have a car, you better think twice. When she finds a guy with a better ride, you'd be history. That said, a car does make it easier for a guy to get a date...........

Edited by Dipstick
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no longer the case anymore. if the girl loves u for ur car then when u get married she might go on to love a bigger car. dun think u want tat to happen rite?


but i dun deny the fact got car does aid u in ur pursue of gals.

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not true lar..

maybe u are still schooling, so got car fetch to school seem cool..

but as the ger grow older.. her mindset will change..


but then, u got quite a few frens who got rich dads..

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There are alot of ways to sian charbor. Having your own transport just gives u an advantage.... [laugh]


Yes. When I was much younger, I was quite puzzled when I saw big fat, ugly guys without car can still manage to have jude babes cling to them.


Then, I realized, having the gift of the gap is also very important. You are right about the alternative ways.

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