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Is it more worth it to get petrol up north?


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I ve been reading a lot n keeping mum on this subject. Forgive me if this sounds rude but why the heck do people want spend hours to go/return and get petrol in jaybee just to save a few $$??? Is it worth it? If owning a car is so 'charm', then why bother?

Edited by Ahbengdriver
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if go through Woodlands checkpoint,


SG Checkpoint $1.20

MY Checkpoint RM $2.60 = SGD $1.20 (Base on Exchange rate SGD $1 = RM $2.20)

example pump petrol RM 60 (31 litre @ RM 1.91/litre) = SGD $27.20


total spent $ 29.60



Pump in SG, 31 litre @ $1.90 = $58.90


$58.90 - $29.60 = $29.30 (Total Savings)


if you smoke, buy cig in MY, can save even more.


but think of the jams & waiting time. whether is it worth the savings, you weigh it yourself.


cheers [:)]


bro, I dun agree with ur calculation.....


a)total payable tol charge- S$2.40.

b)total payable petrol to travel- 3 litres at 10km/L if u are staying at North, taking into consideration of traffic jam at both side, so, 3 x 1.92(Mal petrol)= S$2.61

c)other wear n tear- brake, tyre, engine oil & etc- say $1.

d)amount of petrol pump at 3/4tank- 20L (ave 1.6 L car, SUV/MPV might able to pump more)

e) savings over 20L petrol- =20L x SS1.10= S$22.00

f) time consume over the total trip- 2 hrs ( for bro staying nearby the northen part)

g) labour cost if can work part time at $8/hr (very reasonable, in fact, S$8/hr is a bit at the low side), 2 x S$8= S$16.


Total cost- = Tol charges +Petrol + wear n tear + time

= S$21.01


Savings over petrol= S$22.00


total savings= S$0.99 [sweatdrop][sweatdrop][sweatdrop]


the calculation above is based on an average Japs 1.6 car, traveling from Yishun to JB... if u r driving a smaller car, with smaller tank, or staying further than Yishun, then, forget about pumping petrol at JB.


Think $1 is too little liao.... [laugh][laugh][laugh]


After calculating everything, think it is still Bo Hwa to go in jus for petrol niah [nod][nod][nod]

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no you're not rude but my post did mention exploring 2nd link as an option. i go thru 1st link and that sort of jam is pointless to go in pump petrol.


from the ans, i think there's only 1 thing getting in the way and thats the 3/4 tank rule, depending on whether anyone dares to beat it. in 2nd link, if im not wrong, esso isnt that far from the customs. someone mention wear and tear. i disagree as i think our cars go thru more wear and tear in our start stop traffic than the flowing ns highway.


anyway,3/4 rule not withstanding, its a serious dollar saver. i won't consider that much trouble as its a nice drive along ns highway. 1st link is out of the question due to jams.

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bro, I dun agree with ur calculation.....


a)total payable tol charge- S$2.40.

b)total payable petrol to travel- 3 litres at 10km/L if u are staying at North, taking into consideration of traffic jam at both side, so, 3 x 1.92(Mal petrol)= S$2.61

c)other wear n tear- brake, tyre, engine oil & etc- say $1.

d)amount of petrol pump at 3/4tank- 20L (ave 1.6 L car, SUV/MPV might able to pump more)

e) savings over 20L petrol- =20L x SS1.10= S$22.00

f) time consume over the total trip- 2 hrs ( for bro staying nearby the northen part)

g) labour cost if can work part time at $8/hr (very reasonable, in fact, S$8/hr is a bit at the low side), 2 x S$8= S$16.


Total cost- = Tol charges +Petrol + wear n tear + time

= S$21.01


Savings over petrol= S$22.00


total savings= S$0.99 [sweatdrop][sweatdrop][sweatdrop]


the calculation above is based on an average Japs 1.6 car, traveling from Yishun to JB... if u r driving a smaller car, with smaller tank, or staying further than Yishun, then, forget about pumping petrol at JB.



Yup I have done similiar calculations myself & found out bo hua ley. If i go give tuition I can earn @ least $20/hr, so why do I need to pay myself $8 an hour to pump petrol? Make myself into a Bangala pay rate liew [hur]

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i haven't done any real calculations. but can we save money getting from 2nd link? i'm discounting the 1st link as the jam damn heavy. but 2nd link seems to have a gas station near it.


my take is 2nd link has some distance for traveling but at least its a smooth drive. wonder if toll and cashcard will make it less worth it to get petrol


I've recently started pumping my petrol up north when the price for 1 ltr went up to $2.. [bigcry] If you look only at the 1/4 tank that you're filling, then it might be less of a hassle to top up in sgp.. However, if you look at the other stuff (makan, DVD [sly], car wash etc), then the short trip might not be that bad after all..


In any case, i wonder if our neighbour is getting their crude oil from another source, how come the pumps in sgp keep raising pump price due to the increase cost of crude oil but our neighbour don't seem to be that badly affected?? [confused][confused]

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Bro if you really wanna save money, U makan @ home, watch tv or dl movies [lipsrsealed] & wash car yourself. Unless u buy mega groceries as well, then maybe u save a little but still not worth your time ley unless ur being paid macdonald's $5 an hr.

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I tell u why.


bcos its again another of their fairy tale stories>>>to support their local car industry and dont want to lose face. u know their proton cars do not sell well overseas, abd are mostly bot by poorer bumis in general. many cannot properly afford the cars, but they have previleges when comes to car loans. If fuel prices go up, these people will die. They ll sell their cars, or no one would buy their cars. To help, their garmen heavily subsidise fuel by absorbing the price increase. They already said they cant tahan too long liao, n must raise a bit. Thats why some people start to KPKB.


But I hope they will continue with their stupidity, cos its means cheaper fuel for us [nod] . of cos the other reason is jiak lui lah, some people inside are already saying their country make so much $$ from petronas but dont know where all the $$ end up.

Edited by Ahbengdriver
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d)amount of petrol pump at 3/4tank- 20L (ave 1.6 L car, SUV/MPV might able to pump more)


actually, 20lit is pushing it a little..unless (but unlikely) the car has 80lit full tank, or go in with less than 3/4 tank..


so, savings is even less..

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Neutral Newbie
I have been carrying a pac everyday when coming out from jb, no such thing!! They even count how many stick i have in that packet.


Bro, if they really go into counting ur nuimber of sticks, tat means they shld have a criteria or guidelines for that..

u never ask him how many stick is considered illegal.. [lipsrsealed]


yday, while exiting from MY into SIN, i saw a F*CKING big sign, saying something like " No Foreign Cigarettes..." leh..

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Unless one stays around woodlands than its okay to go j.b during midnite to pump petrol but this may be a thing of the past.


Very soon Msia govt might come up with a 'card' system and only with this card than the user can pump petrol and its tied to the car they own.


I went over to j.b last weekend to not just pump petrol but to see their bridal packages, bought cooking oil, pampers for my grandma, soap powder, baygon sprays, frozen food and MEDICINE (<<<< this hor i tell you its a plus, in spore we need prescriptions and the cost is nearly double, once the doc gives)


For example

A packet of clarinase (not sure the spelling)in spore cost abt $10 per 10 tablets.

In j.B, the same cost RM$11.50 per 10 tables.

Fyi, this med no need prescriptions in spore but the savings is as good as fuel.


Take note not all medicines are cheap too, u need to do some homework.

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if go through Woodlands checkpoint,


SG Checkpoint $1.20

MY Checkpoint RM $2.60 = SGD $1.20 (Base on Exchange rate SGD $1 = RM $2.20)

example pump petrol RM 60 (31 litre @ RM 1.91/litre) = SGD $27.20


total spent $ 29.60



Pump in SG, 31 litre @ $1.90 = $58.90


$58.90 - $29.60 = $29.30 (Total Savings)


if you smoke, buy cig in MY, can save even more.


but think of the jams & waiting time. whether is it worth the savings, you weigh it yourself.


cheers smile.gif


yr above example wrong already......


you use "31 litres"........ which car has 31 litres as one quarter of the tank?



on average on sedans, one quarter of a tank only 10-13 litres only......

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when was the last time they counted ur that pack..?


my friend bought that pack, he claimed that he had consumed one stick but still kena FINE. furthermore, he was not allowed to bring back that remaning pack.

His case was about 2~3mth back..


I was fine $200 for a pack that was not opened. That was some 1.5 years ago.


About half year ago, I was pulled into the inspection bay and when asked whether I has ciggies, I showed them my opened pack (one stick smoked) and I was told that this was alright. Even back then when I was fined, I was warned that an opened pack was alright.


The most recent was about 2 months back. I was asked if I had ciggies..... I took out my opened pack (with one stick gone) and the person didn't say anything more.....

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