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Oil prices drop but local petrol going up!!! WTF


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I agree that they are not given a level playing field. And yes, it is my opinion that they are worse, which is why i say 'looks'. So how do you know that they can perform better?? [:p]

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I dont know either but since we already known to what we have today and have been paying non stop to higher prices in everything every other day...mind you prices going up not only petrol I am referring to and also to other consumer prices. So even if they perform badly at least we know they have tried. At the moment most ppl are just saying they cannot perform which I dont agree.

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To me, the concern is that most of the opposition is untested and their current track record in their respective careers is unconvincing. Would i be willing to hand over the government to the current bunch of opposition for 5-7 years just to see if they can perform? Sorry, but I'm not ready to do so based on the majority of opposition members we have now.


I am angry too at the rising cost of living and the (lack of) action the government is taking to tackle it. But would i bet that the current opposition can do better? The answer at this moment is no.


But if i were staying in potong pasir i'd be voting for chiam. [thumbsup]

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Good for you to continue supporting the present govt. So better not complain about any other increases and be happy paying for it. I do not like the increases in prices but I will put my complain into my hands when the time comes. Period.

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Strange some people can spend thousands on mods, but cannot tahan an increase in fuel prices..tongue.gif


actually, are the modders the ones complaining? [;)]


IMHO, there really is not much grounds for complaint, esp if u vote u-noe-who and drive a normal car.


got many options... can convert to CNG, pump jaybee or next car buy hybrid.. the smart pple or those who REALLY cannot tahan will do all these, instead of complaining


those who complain actually still can tahan [laugh]

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what is the price of shell ron 97 in malaysia now? how to check ah?


1.92 ringgit. been like that for awhile. there's some news that it might increase as oil prices making it hard for them to maintain the price at that level. it's subsidised by their gahmen btw...

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When 66.6% thinks like you, of course we will continue to suffer.


Every 5~7 years we are given the opportunity for a better management, but due to fear and stupidity we end up losers.


If you're 1 of the 66.6%, then I say you deserve it! [thumbsup]


The problem is that every 5-7 years we are give the opportunity for a different management.. but the different management looks even worse than the current one.. [:/]


the fear instilled in many singaporeans is that if they vote for ahem, the sky will fall..


it WON'T. gahmen will still be run by u know who.


gahmen just needs wake up call. and if u force in some competition, even if the competition is not so good, they will be kept on their toes.


with "strong mandate", complacency might set in. or some might say it already has.. [rolleyes]

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Good for you to continue supporting the present govt. So better not complain about any other increases and be happy paying for it. I do not like the increases in prices but I will put my complain into my hands when the time comes. Period.




want to support, be red hot [sly]


support their policies also. must swallow, hook, line and sinker! [laugh][laugh]

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TIt seemed that he petrol price here often 'sticky' in one direction, once up difficult to come down . . . always can say increase in costs of labour etc etc to 'justify' not reducing the price even when crude oil price fall.


This time round they sae: " to reflect market conditions caused by higher crude oil prices"


All CRAP! [rifle]

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To me, the concern is that most of the opposition is untested and their current track record in their respective careers is unconvincing. Would i be willing to hand over the government to the current bunch of opposition for 5-7 years just to see if they can perform? Sorry, but I'm not ready to do so based on the majority of opposition members we have now.


I am angry too at the rising cost of living and the (lack of) action the government is taking to tackle it. But would i bet that the current opposition can do better? The answer at this moment is no.


But if i were staying in potong pasir i'd be voting for chiam. [thumbsup]



The current ruling party doesn't gone through one day, one month, one year to be established.

They gone through the learning cycle.


Same for the oppo, if they never be given the chance, how can they be more competence when there's no battle ground to go through the same learning cycle?

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reduce? they shd imho..


withdraw? abt as likely as our gahmen abolishing GST. will never happen.. there will be an uproar [:p]


w/o subsidy their petrol still cheaper

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Actually much of the learning cycle should be done before they are even nominated to stand for election. They should be proven to be able to excel in their respective area of management work before they stand for election.


I am all for getting in more opposition to the government to keep it in check and to ensure that the ruling party does not take the people for granted. But please vote in some decent opposition and not any tom, dick or harry who stands for election.


Yes, the problem is that the current ruling party is insensitive towards the needs of the people and takes their power for granted. But the solution is not just to vote them out of power, the solution is to vote in an opposition capable of making the government better.

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Neutral Newbie
Haiz... there is nothing we can do about it...


Of course we can! Just pump and go. If every car owner do this once every month, I'm sure they'll understand.

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What makes you think the ruling party candidates are proven or have learnt anything? All the newbies hide in the GRCs under some big shot minister or are put into GRCs that will be walkover-ed.


I agree with your second point, if Chee-types are going to be the opposition, i seriously think that its a lost cause.


Nobody said anything about voting them out of power, the way Singapore GRCs are structured, it is almost impossible for that to happen. Its like a chicken and egg situation isn't it? We need to get some opposition into parliment for them to learn, but nobody dares to vote them in because we think they are not good enough. Seriously, i have yet to see my MP before, but of course i kena walkover. So how?

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