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Anyhow Jam brake


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Neutral Newbie

On the expessway, always encounter drivers who alway like to brake at any point of time.No matter how far the front car is , they will brake for no reason.Damm angry....

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Bro. i too encounter this kind b4... kana one i think it was about 4 car lenghts and the driver juz jam his brakes lucky i was about 1 and half car lenght away from him if not sure kiss his ....... [lipsrsealed] Drive ride carefully bro. Live another day to drive ride


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it may be case of a auto car driver who puts his left leg on the brake and right leg on the gas


so the brake light would keep coming out


but it is definetely not me....i am a manual man [cool]

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nod.gif Me too, hate to see car infront keep braking. I usually would overtake them or change lane, it is too stressful follow behind them and who know when the driver really going to jam brake hard. rifle.gif
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nah, its just people who don't know how to drive auto cars...


accelerator step too hard, car go too fast, so don't know how to use engine brake, must step on brake to slow car down.


brake step too hard, car too slow, step on accelerator again, step too hard, must brake again.... [laugh] very typical behavior of newly registered cars and female drivers [lipsrsealed]

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On the expessway, always encounter drivers who alway like to brake at any point of time.No matter how far the front car is , they will brake for no reason.Damm angry....
although there are no trffic lights along expressway, i think we should be even more cautious when driving along expressway. You never know when the vehicle infront of you is going to brake and there fore we should not be lull into complacency.
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On the expessway, always encounter drivers who alway like to brake at any point of time.No matter how far the front car is , they will brake for no reason.Damm angry....


Normally, these are the Kuku drivers [gossip][gossip][gossip]


Step accelerator then step brake seems like their favourite style of driving ... [shakehead][shakehead][shakehead]


They seems to lost their sense of controlling the accelerator [dizzy][dizzy][dizzy]

Edited by Mzrmazda3
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dun sae female or neewly registered drivers... one time i sit in a sonata cab...

the driver drive like u mentioned .... [crazy]


i was like so tempted to ask him step aside and i take over ... [sweatdrop]

jus control using the acclerator la... so difficult meh.. [:|]

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On the expessway, always encounter drivers who alway like to brake at any point of time.No matter how far the front car is , they will brake for no reason.Damm angry....


Better that those who brake suddently. Some cars have very good brake one, they can go very fast and then tap the brake once or twice to stop so brake light flashes quickly and suddently.



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On the expessway, always encounter drivers who alway like to brake at any point of time.No matter how far the front car is , they will brake for no reason.Damm angry....

Best part you follow behind U also follow and jam brakes then the car behind you also angry, sighz.... shakehead.gif

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On the expessway, always encounter drivers who alway like to brake at any point of time.No matter how far the front car is , they will brake for no reason.Damm angry....


if you are following a at proper distance, it shdn't affect you..


last time, I was quite frustrated as well but that's because when they brake, I have to brake (meaning I was rather close)


now I have the distance to play with..


P.S. am I getting old? [:/]

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Neutral Newbie
On the expessway, always encounter drivers who alway like to brake at any point of time.No matter how far the front car is , they will brake for no reason.Damm angry....


alamak bro...if the person who jam brake looks like the girl in your avatar then I don't mind hitting her behind [sly]

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I think some of these kiasee drivers purposely do it if they think you're following too close. 2-3 car lengths also can be too close for their comfort. So they purposely keeping tapping their brakes to make you stay further away. Selfish behaviour.


Another kind is those super kiasee one, 4-5 car lengths away from the car in front and once the front car brakes, the driver also brakes.


I hate to be behind such cars. I will drop back and find a chance to overtake them.

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I hate to be behind such cars. I will drop back and find a chance to overtake them.



This is a good idea but i encounter 1 uncle BMW driver quite sometime back at CTE.

And when i try to overtake him, he speed up and dont let me overtake.


How inconsiderate can people get?

If they drive in this manner, there is nothing to do but to over take but some of them got so big EGO that they die die dont want to let you pass.

Just dont understand.....

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