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Value of S'pore Citizenship = 0


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The mentality is "other country's moon is rounder" but if u have been there done that, u'll still feel that your home here is actually the best and the safest. [laugh]

Edited by Watwheels
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actually, nothing beats home country. that i must admit after experiencing a little of china n thailand.


but, i realised trade-off are everywhere. so long as u know n willing to settle for it, then it is okay. but, for majority of us in spore. how many hv the chance to be in a position to decide whether they want to settle for it? some r just making ends meet.

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I think tats the natural animal instinct in us. Not nuo fu. Since ancient time, our ancestor already take the great leap from their homeland Africa to travel around the world due to the changing environment in Africa continent as tat time little food is left in Africa due to weather change, hence got to migrate.

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i understand ..but hor..kinda feel like "Nuo Fu" kind...where got trouble siam to where is safer...haha...but thats life


i agree with you too...but like u pointed out also, it's life. pple go where the sunshine is, right?

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actually, nothing beats home country. that i must admit after experiencing a little of china n thailand.


but, i realised trade-off are everywhere. so long as u know n willing to settle for it, then it is okay. but, for majority of us in spore. how many hv the chance to be in a position to decide whether they want to settle for it? some r just making ends meet.



u couldn't have said it any better...how many singaporeans actually have the luxury of having a choice? very very very few...


i personally have a choice of going to work in another country, much better pay of course but i chose to stay in singapore, cos i'm so comfortable here. this is also the country where i grew up and all my frens and loved ones are here. moving to another country is just not happening for me, unless some companies are willing to pay me really really stupid money.

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Neutral Newbie

A PRC friend of mine is leaving for home next week for good. He is only 1 of several PRC friends who are leaving or have left this year. All of them said the same things..."China is my homeland", "China is booming, if i don't go back now I will miss the chance" etc. All of them rejected the citizenship offers.

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yah...agree to a certain extent...after been there though not to a developed country like usa ...


i realised sporeans r just a pool of tadpoles in well. working conditions is generally better in spore. workg w sporean is much easier than other nationalities. with other nationalities, u really got to jaigar them everyday.

workg overseas is not really a bed of roses just tat sometimes they dont hv a choice cos there's no jobs for them back home.

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sweatdrop.gif here i can see the moon more clearer n stars some more...cos no pollution like s'pore.


but thinkg abt going back to spore, i bigcry.gif cos i will miss this place though i spend a short time here.

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Neutral Newbie
Wat to do? We don't hav enough manpower for our economy. Also we lack the neccessary talents @ times.


These are the standard reasons which have been given to all locals all these while. You should ask questions on how japan manages its manpower shortage, how USA MNCs managed the lack of manpower for their manufacturing plants, how countries like new zealand with small population can carve a niche for themselves.


Looking from the perspective of a company hiring people here.


1) Need to keep costs low to remain competitive.

2) Workers from 3rd world countries are much cheaper.


ever wonder why people clamour for benz, bmw, porsche, ferrari, lambo, lexus, honda, subaru which are made in their home country? Why is it that their manpower costs are high, yet they are able to compete with lower cost countries? One fine example for household item is WMF knives and kitchen utensils...why do people buy it despite its high cost? How does the WMF company lower their costs??


Solution? Hire more FTs, stay profitable and can remain in SG.


If, the garment were to ban FTs


1) Overhead cost high, price no longer competitive


Solution? Move out of Singapore and relocate. More pple will lost jobs in this case.


See above comments and questions

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Neutral Newbie
already alot of coy hv moved out of spore.


no way to stay profitable if u r doing low cost job.


govt can try to reduce rental, tax rebates to coy.


as for ft/pr, not stopping them but maybe no susidised benefits for them?


as for singkie, allow them to hold dual citizenship??


MNCs will relocate to countries with lower cost. Ever wondered why Nike is still based in USA? yet they've relocated their manufacturing from taiwan to indonesia to china and now they are in vietnam?


cos they've the knowledge involved in designing, making and marketing the shoes.


look at how USA gives out green card. in SGP....even PRCs can be karang gunis...but does USA give out green card to karang gunis???

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Guest Julio369
Neutral Newbie

of course we got value!!! we (males) are proud to serve NS (2 to 2-1/2 years) and reservist (10 to 14 years cycle). We serve to protect our country, our nation & our ppl & family. We love going back to ICT, to be seen in No.4, FBO, with our band of brothers.

Our country need us. We serve with pride, integrity & honor.



oh xxxx! just received my 100A.

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the chase to search for the next lower cost country never ends..


even alot of coy are moving out of thailand.. as for china, coy are moving inlands.


it is a cycle that can is difficult to break out from.


for coy that produces precision parts, they still stick with Spore cos we are known to have some ounce of intergrity left.


we can nvr beat taiwan coy cos they are able to reduce production costs until bone dry.


so that left the inevitable qtn, how can we push up the value of our citizenship (through what kind of industries, qualities etc)?

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eh...my distant relatives migrated to aussie or usa.


those who stayed on bopian cos of aging parents.

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