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14 November 2007


In line with the revision of Annual Values (AV) of properties from 1 Jan 2008, the AV criterion for older low wage workers to qualify for the Workfare Income Supplement Scheme (WIS) will also be adjusted.


2. To qualify for WIS for work done in 2007 and 2008, the recipient must live in a property with AV at the end of 2006 and 2007 respectively of not more than $10,000. There is no change to the AV criterion.


3. For work done in 2009, the AV of the recipient

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MIW slapping own face.


1/ property tax for 2008 has been raised in tandem with higher property prices (FAQ - it has been many years since this was raise. dun bother to questioned it.. 66.6% supported this)


2/ where the fark to find a HDB flat worth only $10K. really talk bird language...


another of $30 at home, hawker center or in restuarant. pui!



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Neutral Newbie

If not wrong, I think default AV for all HDB flats is below 10K, unless a particular flat is collecting annual rental income of more than that amount.

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