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Young punk driving without license...


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Neutral Newbie

Was at Woodlands Ave 1 last night when I came behind this black Picanto that had just started to move off after stopping by the side of the road... Both of our cars were turning left to ave 2 but this car was really crawling...when we reached the junction of ave 1 and 2, the car didn't turn but stayed still even though there wasn't any direct oncoming cars...I thought to myself...must be old man, girl or ah quah driving...then when it decided to move off, it stalled! The car started...then stalled...again! Wah, I sibei pu hui liao...nabei...must really be chao ah quah driving... When we eventually made our turn, I overtook the car and looked at the driver...Far from being an ah quah, it was a chao ah beng...and a young one at that...too young to have a driving license...no wonder the bloody car stalled twice...that CB kia prob didn't have a license (he cannot be a probation driver cos the car got no triangle sign)... WTF! I think there's a lot of these si gin na who drive without a license...hope they don't f*king kill anyone on the roads man...bloody CB....

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Maybe it's a case of new-driver-driving-friend's-car-on-short-trip-to-supper? [laugh]


Still...if car can stall, then should be a manual drive car right? Now Class3 license got 'auto only' version now leh .... maybe this guy doesn't have a 'manual' license. [laugh]


Whatever the case, if that guy was a poor/green driver... maybe he needs to go for refresher (assuming he has a license in the first place)

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i not underage!!!! i not small !!! hahaaha


anyway lucky nobody hit into tt car...if nt how sia...why dun u report it to the authorities...this type of things shld b stopped

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Neutral Newbie

It was night time unfortunately bro...and I was driving...scully i take his pic then my car mount the kerb how? That si gin na sure laugh until his puny balls drop on the road one...anywat, his car black, his tee also black...take a pic see nothing but black...the only thing that will show up probably his screwed up brown-dye hair...that si ah beng...

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go infront of his car and reverse bang his car!!


call the TP immediately!


wtf! even if u smash into his backside and call the TP, u also sure claim from him cos he no liscence!! [sly][sly][sly]

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Was at Woodlands Ave 1 last night when I came behind this black Picanto that had just started to move off after stopping by the side of the road... Both of our cars were turning left to ave 2 but this car was really crawling...when we reached the junction of ave 1 and 2, the car didn't turn but stayed still even though there wasn't any direct oncoming cars...I thought to myself...must be old man, girl or ah quah driving...then when it decided to move off, it stalled! The car started...then stalled...again! Wah, I sibei pu hui liao...nabei...must really be chao ah quah driving... When we eventually made our turn, I overtook the car and looked at the driver...Far from being an ah quah, it was a chao ah beng...and a young one at that...too young to have a driving license...no wonder the bloody car stalled twice...that CB kia prob didn't have a license (he cannot be a probation driver cos the car got no triangle sign)... WTF! I think there's a lot of these si gin na who drive without a license...hope they don't f*king kill anyone on the roads man...bloody CB....


First thing I like to say hor...you make too many unjustified judgement of your own and draw your own inference from there!


You just look at young punk..Oops..I mean young driver face and say he got no license and becos his car stalled? [shakehead]


I hope you are not a BIG BOSS or someone who hold a very high and responsible position....becos if this is the case, everyone under you ( or even those above you)...SURE DIE ONE!!!! [sly][laugh][laugh][laugh]

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