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Local drama serials can' make it....


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recent tvb drama serial like 'the last breakthrough', 'the great conqueror' currently showing got me hooked...local drama serial at 7 and 9am really can't make it...the acting between local n hk artists really a gulf of difference.....why the gap??? each hk artists got much more flair and got big fan base...can't think of any hk artists that are bad...and likewise can't think of any sg artists that are good...really puzzling why the big difference? think we are at least 10 yrs behind them.... [hur]

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Neutral Newbie

I'm sorry I hardly watch local shows for quite sometime but is it really that bad? I usually watch cable channels since I paid for it.smile.gif

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reason why am not subscribing is coz i know will be 'hooked'...and will buy the vcd box-set...can't stand the torturing wait till the next day....for 'the great conqueror'...after 1st episode...rush to download whole series liao.... [laugh]

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yes,been a few years never watch local dramas.ever since got cable vision,didnt even watch local news,find that taiwan news more interesting.i support local dramas in the 80s,like (siao fei yu)(siao D D)the robot show,etc.

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can't think of any good local drama serials in the last few years that is memorable...whereas tvb has come up with so much blockbuster...'war and beauty' is an example...great storyline with acting...think 2 reason why local drama can't make it is 1. storyline...2. acting.... [dizzy]

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I think the script alone already a let down. The HK one is [thumbsup] Story line totally captivating and addictive. Most actor here acting skill totally cannot make it compare to HK actor, esp the new and young actor. Even though can act but still cannot compete with the HK actor. Juz like compare spore footballer to brazilian footballer. Yes both know how to play but compare 2 together can see teh difference liao [:p]

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I watch channel 8 is becoz of its daily re boardcast of the old show. Luckily i got recorder, morning 10 am, 11 am and midnight 2 am 3 am got great old spore show. Those are the era SBC produce great show. Now change to mediacork, show totally c o c k up.

Edited by Curahee
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..really puzzling why the big difference? think we are at least 10 yrs behind them.... [hur][/reply]

Pls do not insult,to say 10 yrs behind them is too much to bear.Is more like 20 yrs [laugh]

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reason why am not subscribing is coz i know will be 'hooked'...and will buy the vcd box-set...can't stand the torturing wait till the next day....for 'the great conqueror'...after 1st episode...rush to download whole series liao.... [laugh]


I seldom watched the great conqueror but i thk its quite a nice show

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