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Yu Dan-Notes On Lun Yu 百家讲坛:于丹<论语>心得


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Hello all,


I am watching at this documentary which talk abt Confucius ideas. Very interesting...


In this show, the professor talk abt Gross National Happiness (GNH).


Everyone hope to lead a happy life and Confucius support strongly on this. But the influx of FT already made my GNH index very low.



HOW IS YOUR GNH.... I believe IT MUST BE LOW TOO>>>> [:(][:(]


They also discuss on this 3 topic.

1)Faith of citizen





Go watch next wed 9.30Pm.....


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Yu Dan, her power on chinese language is superb.....that is the beauty of language.

She talked about Zhuang-zhi, you can learn a lot from her on dealing with life.

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Singaporean are generally one of the top ranking of unhappy citizens on Earth.. Sooner or later, we will be No 1.. Another No 1..

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next episode on next tue right?


her parting words for the 1st episode which i liked a lot: we see too much with our eyes on things material, rather than for our inner well being (loosely translated)...

Edited by Anakin
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